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http://www.100md.com 2018年9月17日 中国医药导报 2018年第22期
     许晶晶 姚平立 宋海宁 何琴

    [摘要] 回顾性分析2017年1~12月成都市第三人民医院门诊药房在拆零药品管理中存在的问题并进行归纳总结,制订相关措施予以改进,评价成效。门诊患者药品拆零发放存在的问题可归纳为药品有效期管理困难、药品拆零过程中污染与损耗、药品正确识别困难及药品拆零后质量变化等。通过建立完善的药品管理工作制度和操作流程,对人员进行明确分工并定期培训,对拆零后药品环境进行严格的管控以及为患者提供更加人性化的用药交代等方法,保证了拆零药品在管理、发放和使用时的质量安全。

    [关键词] 药品拆零;质量管理;患者安全;改进

    [中图分类号] R95 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2018)08(a)-0150-04

    [Abstract] A retrospective analysis on the problems existing in drug dismantling and management in outpatient pharmacy in the Third People′s Hospital from January to December in 2017, to improve the situation and evaluate the effect. The problems in drug dismantling and management outpatient can be attributed to the difficulty in the management of the drug′s effective period, pollution and loss during the process of drug unpacking, the difficulty in correctly identifying the drug, and the quality change after the drug dismantled. By the establishment of a perfect drug management system and operational procedures, a clear division of labor and regular training for the personnel, strict control over the drug environment after the removal of the zero ......

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