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http://www.100md.com 2018年9月17日 中国医药导报 2018年第24期
     敖翔 王宾 吴志坤

    [摘要] 本文以中医体质辨识为基础,通过综合体质测试、个性化辨体施教、综合评估三大路径探索建立具有中国特色的大学生体质健康管理体系。现行大学生体质健康管理在获得健康方法缺乏个性化、体质健康测试缺乏关联性、关注健康管理缺乏延续性、体育课程选择缺乏实效性。中医体质辨识理论的引入在体质健康测试、后期干预、健康管理、教育功能等方面有较明显的优势。

    [关键词] 中医体质理论;大学生;体质健康测试;健康管理

    [中图分类号] G804 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2018)08(c)-0152-05

    [Abstract] This study bases on the traditional Chinese medicine constitution identification theory, via establishing the comprehensive physical tests, personalizing distinguished teaching, and the comprehensive evaluation platform, to form a physical health management system with Chinese characteristics. Current college students′ physical health management is lack of individualization in obtaining health methods, lack of correlation in testing physical health, lack of continuity in paying attention to health management, and lack of effectiveness in choosing physical education courses. The introduction of traditional Chinese medicine constitution identification theory has obvious advantages in physical fitness test, late intervention, physical health management and education function.

    [Key words] Traditional Chinese medicine constitution identification theory; College students; Physical fitness test; Physical health management ......

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