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http://www.100md.com 2018年1月18日 中国医药导报 2018年第28期
     周曦 易龙 糜漫天

    [摘要] 为探讨以团队为基础(TBL)教学模式结合情景模拟教学法在营养与食品卫生学实验课教学中的应用效果,选择陆军军医大学2014级预防医学专业五年制本科的30名学员以《食谱编制》一章开展授课,课后发放调查问卷,分析教学效果。研究结果提示,通过TBL结合情景模拟授课方式教学,能够极大地激发学员的学习热情和内在潜力,锻炼学员团队协作能力,有助于他们提高本专业实践技能,促进教学质量提高。

    [关键词] 医学教育;情景模拟教学法;以团队为基础教学法;营养与食品卫生学

    [中图分类号] G642 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2018)10(a)-0041-05

    Application of team-based learning combined with situational simulation teaching method in the experimental course of nutrition and food hygiene

    ZHOU Xi YI Long MI Mantian

    Teaching Office of Nutrition and Food Safety, Army Medical University, Chongqing 400038, China

    [Abstract] To explore the effect of the teaching method of team-based learning (TBL) combined with situational simulation teaching method in the experimental course of nutrition and food hygiene. Thirty undergraduates of five-year preventive medicine major from Army Medical University were selected and taught in the section of Recipe Preparation. Questionnaires were sent out after class to analyze the teaching results. The results showed that TBL combined with situational simulation teaching method can greatly stimulate the students′ enthusiasm and the inherent potential of the students. The students′ teamwork ability can be trained and professional practical ability can be improved ......

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