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http://www.100md.com 2019年4月4日 中国医药导报 2019年第4期
     李娟 周德生

    [摘要] 复方药物的组成复杂、配伍关系复杂、功效复杂,适应复杂病证。复方配伍方法:理法方药一贯,方证对应;病-证-症的药物对应;脉证症状的取舍,增减对应药物。复方的遣药方法:复方大方理论指导,配伍用药;药证类从,重复用药;主从有序,重点用药;合方为一,重叠用方。复方的药物精简方法:寻找治病主药;精选小方组方;应用组方结构;应用药物的固定结构;活用药物的多重配伍关系;借鉴中药药理研究成果。医者需要有丰富的理论知识和临床经验,才能做到复方的合理用药。

    [关键词] 复方;合理用药;配伍方法;遣药方法;药物精简方法

    [中图分类号] R289? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] A? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-7210(2019)02(a)-0132-05

    [Abstract] The compound decoction is complex, the compatibility and function is complex, to fit complex disease syndrome. The compatibility methods of the compound decoction are as followed: principle-method-recipe-medicines is conformable and prescription is corresponding to the syndrome; disease-syndrome-manifestation is conformable in drug use; according to choice of pulse, syndrome and manifestation to increase or decrease the corresponding drug. The compound decoction dispensing methods are as followed: medicine according to the compound generous theory guidance; the medicine corresponding to the syndrome and repeating drug use; focused drug use; combining the decoctions to one and overlapping the decoctions. Compound drug simplification methods are as followed: finding the main medicine for treatment; selecting small decoctions to form new prescription; application of decoction structure; application of fixed structure of drugs; flexible use of multiple compatibility; in reference of pharmacological research results of traditional Chinese medicine. The doctor needs wealthy theoretical knowledge and clinical experience so that can achieve a rational use of the compound decoction. ......

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