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http://www.100md.com 2019年10月9日 中国医药导报 2019年第20期
     殷宏振 郭化磊 裴颖 晁旭 黄峰

    [摘要] 肝细胞癌(HCC)是临床最常见的原发性肝脏恶性肿瘤,我国HCC患病率在世界范围内较高。HCC的恶性程度高,治疗困难,易复发,预后极差,因此,越来越多的研究集中于为HCC诊断、治疗和预后评估寻找新的分子标志物。长链非编码RNA(lncRNA)是非编码RNA中的一种。表达失调的lncRNA其本身充当癌基因或肿瘤抑制基因,参与恶性肿瘤的发生发展。新近研究发现,lncRNA表达失调参与了HCC的许多生物过程,本文主要总结梳理近年关于lncRNA在HCC肿瘤发生发展中作用的研究,为lncRNA用于HCC诊断、预后或作为治疗靶点提供相应理论依据。

    [关键词] 长链非编码RNA;原发性肝癌;分子标志物;研究进展

    [中图分类号] R735.7? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] A? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-7210(2019)07(b)-0034-05

    Research progress of long noncoding RNA in primary liver cancer

    YIN Hongzhen1*? ?GUO Hualei1*? ?PEI Ying1? ?CHAO Xu2? ?HUANG Feng3

    1.The First Clinical Medical College, Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Shaanxi Province, Xianyang? ?712000, China; 2.Basic Medical College, Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Shaanxi Province, Xianyang? ?712000, China; 3.Department of Hepatology, Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Shaanxi Province, Xianyang? ?712000, China

    [Abstract] Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common primary liver cancer in clinic. The prevalence of HCC in China is higher around the world. HCC is highly malignant ......

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