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http://www.100md.com 2019年10月19日 中国医药导报 2019年第23期
     刘琦 薛英利

    [摘要] 近年来,医患关系日益紧张,经常会在报纸、电视新闻、微博等地方看到由于医患关系不和谐所引起的各种矛盾冲突事件,严重影响了社会秩序的和谐发展。医患关系是在医患交流过程中建立起来的,医患会话是医患关系的直接体现。目前,医患会话已成为语言学、医学管理及社会学广泛研究的话题。本文从社会语言学中语用学的独特视角分析医患会话可行性研究领域,从医患会话角度出发,详细探讨了社会语言学与医患会话之间的关系,并进一步提出了基于社会语言学语用视角下的医患会话原则,以期能够有效促进医患之间的会话交流,实现医患关系的和谐发展。

    [关键词] 社会语言学;门诊医患会话;语用研究;原则分析

    [中图分类号] H136? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] A? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-7210(2019)08(b)-0176-04

    [Abstract] In recent years, the relationship between doctors and patients has become increasingly tense. Newspapers, TV news, Weibo and other places often see various contradictions and conflicts caused by the disharmony between doctors and patients, which seriously affects the harmonious development of social order. The doctor-patient relationship was established during the communication between doctors and patients. The doctor-patient conversation is a direct reflection of the doctor-patient relationship. At present, doctor-patient conversation has become a topic of extensive research in linguistics, medical management and sociology. This paper analyzes the study field of feasibility about doctor-patient conversation from the unique perspective of psychology in sociolinguistics. From the perspective of doctor-patient conversation ......

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