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http://www.100md.com 2020年4月2日 中国医药导报 2020年第3期
     何欣 张宝元

    [摘要] 食源性疾病是全世界范围内的重要公共卫生问题,病因以细菌及其毒素、病毒感染最为常见。儿童是食源性疾病的主要受害群体,因其年龄、饮食结构、喂养方式、喂养环境和免疫机能等自身的特点,儿童食源性疾病的发病、流行规律与监测管理与成年人都有所不同。本文根据儿童食源性疾病的病原学特点、主动监测内容、流行病学特点等提出监测存在的问题,结合笔者在儿童专科医院从事食源性疾病监测管理,提出做好主动监测工作的建议。

    [关键词] 儿童;食源性疾病;感染性腹泻;监测管理

    [中图分类号] R155.3? [文献标识码] A? [文章编号] 1673-7210(2020)01(c)-0193-04

    Foodborne diseases in children and management of surveillance

    HE Xin? ZHANG Baoyuan

    Department of Disease Control and Prevention, Capital Institute of Pediatrics, Beijing? 100020,China

    [Abstract] Foodborne diseases are important public health problems all over the world. The main causes are bacteria, toxins and viral infections. Children are the main victim of foodborne diseases. Because of their age, diet structure, feeding style, feeding environment and immune function, the incidence, epidemiology and monitoring management of foodborne diseases in children are different from those of adults. In this paper, based on the pathogenic characteristics of children′s foodborne diseases, the content of active surveillance, epidemiological characteristics, etc. ......

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