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http://www.100md.com 2020年4月3日 中国医药导报 2020年第6期
     丁维明 贾淑英 张桂兰

    [摘要] 本课题结合习近平总书记对工会工作作出的重要论述以及党的“十九大”报告精神,以适应新时代中国特色社会主义发展为需要,以创新工会工作机制为导向,对当前形势下充分发挥工会教育职能提升科研院所教职工心理素质的重要性进行了阐述,并结合实际,解析了科研院所教职工心理素质和心理健康的现状以及存在问题,对新时代新形势下工会充分发挥作用提升科研院所教职工心理素质的有效途径进行探索,为工会下一步开展相关工作提供参考和理论指导,对提升工会工作的实效性具有重要意义。

    [关键词] 工会;教育职能;科研院所;心理素质;心理健康

    [中图分类号] D412? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] A? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-7210(2020)02(c)-0193-04

    [Abstract] This topic combines the important exposition made by general secretary XI Jinping on the work of trade unions and the spirit of“the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China” report, in order to adapt to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. To innovate the work mechanism of the union oriented. This paper expounds the importance of giving full play to the educational function of trade union to improve the psychological quality of faculty and staff in scientific research institutes, and combine with reality, analyzes the present situation and existing problems of faculty and staff′s psychological quality and mental health in scientific research institutes. This paper probes into the effective ways to improve the psychological quality of teachers and staff in scientific research institutes by giving full play to the role of trade unions in the new era and the new situation. It is of great significance to provide the reference and theoretical guidance for the trade union to carry out the related work in the next step. ......

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