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http://www.100md.com 2020年7月4日 中国医药导报 2020年第13期
     金熠婷 许辛寅 王雪峰 杨婷婷

    [摘要] 針灸与中医内科均为中国传统医学的重要组成部分。针灸以经络学说为理论基础,以辨经论治为鲜明特点,通过选择适当的俞穴、操作措施及手法、刺激量等,达到疏通经络、调和气血的作用;中医内科理论包括阴阳五行、五运六气、藏象经络、气血津液等,具有辨证论治的特色,以中药为基点,通过应用适宜的方剂、炮制法、煎服法,发挥扶正祛邪、调和阴阳的功效。目前临床上将针灸论治体系逐渐趋同于中医内科,错误地将辨证与辨经混为一谈,僵化地选择针灸处方。明确针灸与中医内科之差异,便于发挥针灸诊治思维,显现出针灸的特色与优势,更好地为临床诊疗服务。

    [关键词] 针灸;辨经论治;中医内科;辨证论治

    [中图分类号] R245? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] A? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-7210(2020)05(a)-0132-04

    Differentiation and analysis of the differences between acupuncture and internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine

    JIN Yiting1? ?XU Xinyin1,2? ?WANG Xuefeng1? ?YANG Tingting1

    1.Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Hubei Province, Wuhan? ?430061, China; 2.Hubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hubei Province, Wuhan? ?430061, China

    [Abstract] Acupuncture and internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine are both important parts of traditional Chinese medicine. Based on the theory of meridians and collaterals, acupuncture and moxibustion is characterized by differentiation and treatment of meridians. It can dredge meridians and regulate qi and blood by selecting appropriate shu points ......

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