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http://www.100md.com 2020年7月4日 中国医药导报 2020年第13期
     赵慧童 单政

    [摘要] 本文运用文献研究,基于心理契约理论构建分析框架,分析北京市某高校附属三甲医院构建科研团队的主要策略与支持性举措。实践表明,通过精简科研管理流程、选择式目标管理、支持性监管、优化交流渠道、个性化的奖励与培训机制、灵活绩效管理等主要措施,满足科研人员的心理预期,有助于公立医院构建高水平科研创新团队。基于理论指导实践,本文提出公立医院构建水平科研团队的策略,从而提升公立医院的科研创新能力,推动我国原创的重大医药创新科技成果产出。

    [关键词] 科研团队;公立医院;心理契约;策略

    [中图分类号] R197.1? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] A? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-7210(2020)05(a)-0177-04

    Analysis on the strategy of constructing high quality scientific research team in public hospitals from the perspective of psychological contract

    ZHAO Huitong1? ?SHAN Zheng2▲

    1.Department of Science and Technology, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing? ?100050, China; 2.Institute of Medical Information, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing? ?100020, China

    [Abstract] Based on literature review and psychological contract theory, the framework is developed to analyze the supportive measures taken by a tertiary university-affiliated hospital in Beijing to build high-quality research teams. It is proved that some strategies are necessary for public hospital to fulfill the expectations of researchers so as to build high-performance research teams. Such strategies include simplifying process of management ......

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