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http://www.100md.com 2020年10月9日 中国医药导报 2020年第22期
     冯琦钒 邢曼

    [摘要] 慢性盆腔痛是临床中常见且复杂的疾病,主要表现为骨盆及周围组织周期性或非周期性发作疼痛,严重影响人们的生活质量。中医认为慢性盆腔痛基本病机是瘀血内阻,常由湿热、气滞、寒凝、肾虚、气虚等因素导致,故多采用活血化瘀、清利湿热、温经散寒、行气止痛的治法。针灸做为中医传统治疗方法,在长期的临床实践中被证实其治疗慢性盆腔痛的效果显著,通过对经络穴位的激发,“气至病所”的针感直达下腹、会阴等疼痛部位,从而激发经脉经气,疏通经络,改善循环,使盆腔疼痛、腰骶酸痛、下腹坠胀、排尿不适等症状明显缓解,针灸见效快,效果显著,副作用小,是一种有效的治疗方法。因此针灸疗法将为临床治疗慢性盆腔痛提供新的思路。

    [关键词] 慢性盆腔痛;针灸;综述;研究进展

    [中图分类号] R246.3? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] A? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-7210(2020)08(a)-0038-04

    [Abstract] Chronic pelvic pain is a common and complex disease in clinic, mainly manifested as periodic or aperiodic pain in the pelvis and surrounding tissues, which seriously affects people′s quality of life. Traditional Chinese Medicine holds that the basic pathogenesis of chronic pelvic pain is internal stasis of blood, which is often caused by dampness and heat, qi stagnation, cold coagulation, kidney deficiency, qi deficiency and other factors. Therefore, promoting blood circulation for removing blood stasis, eliminating dampness and heat, warming channel for dispelling cold, and promoting qi circulation to relieve pain are often applied in the treatment. As the Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment ......

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