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http://www.100md.com 2020年10月9日 中国医药导报 2020年第22期
     俞璐 张秋娟

    [摘要] 中医的发展、发扬离不开继承和创新,而中医药人才培养的重要方式体现在传承教育,中医传承对中医教育及中医药发展事业都具有非凡意义。中医学双重属性、中医治疗特色优势、中医实践能力提高的需要决定着中医传承教育的必要性。传承教育可面向医学生、各级医师等多层次培养对象,以“名中医师承”“名中医工作室”“人才研究项目”“研究生教育”多种模式开展工作。只有将中医传承落实在工作中,制订并实施相关规范和标准,管理和考评制度合理化、规范化,中医传承教育才可真正深化与发展。

    [关键词] 中医传承;中医教育;人才培养;传承模式

    [中图分类号] R24? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] A? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-7210(2020)08(a)-0061-04

    [Abstract] The development and promotion of traditional Chinese medicine are inseparable from inheritance and innovation, and the important way of training traditional Chinese medicine talents is reflected in inheritance education. Traditional Chinese medicine inheritance has great significance to traditional Chinese medicine education and the development of traditional Chinese medicine. The dual attributes of traditional Chinese medicine, the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine treatment, and the need to improve the practical ability of traditional Chinese medicine determine the necessity of traditional Chinese medicine education. Inheritance education can target medical students, doctors at all levels and other multi-level training objects ......

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