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http://www.100md.com 2020年10月9日 中国医药导报 2020年第22期
     丛日坤 李军海 丁波

    [摘要] 中医药文化既是中华文明的重要组成部分,又是弘扬我国文化自信的深厚根基。当前中医药院校不仅要传授中医药理论方法,而且肩负着中医药文化传承创新的历史责任和使命。本文通过梳理新时代背景下中医药文化传承与创新的发展现状,试从中医药文化面临的挑战及机遇、影响中医药文化创新的发展因素以及当前中医药文化传承创新发展的可行性方法等几个方面论述。通过分析影响其传承与发展的因素,总结促进中医药文化发展的可行性措施,以期为中医药文化的传承与理论创新发展提供参考与借鉴。

    [关键词] 中医药;文化传承;理论创新;互联网+

    [中图分类号] R28? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] A? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-7210(2020)08(a)-0123-04

    [Abstract] Traditional Chinese medicine culture is not only an important part of Chinese civilization, but also a deep foundation for promoting self-confidence in our culture. At present, the colleges and universities of traditional Chinese medicine not only have to teach the theory and methods of traditional Chinese medicine, but also shoulder the historical responsibility and mission of heritage and innovation of traditional Chinese medicine culture. This article sorts out the current status of the development and inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine culture and innovation in the context of the new era, tries to discuss the challenges and opportunities faced by traditional Chinese medicine culture, the factors that affect the development of traditional Chinese medicine culture innovation and the feasible methods of the current traditional Chinese medicine culture inheritance and innovation aspects. By analyzing the factors affecting its inheritance and development ......

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