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http://www.100md.com 2020年11月10日 中国医药导报 2020年第25期
     陈昌贤 李力

    [摘要] 传统的妇科肿瘤学研究生教育重视的是单一学科的知识传授,教育理念陈旧,教学内容繁杂,传授方法老套,难以培养出符合现代医学要求的具有交叉学科思维的创新型研究生。生物信息学不仅仅是一门交叉学科,更是一种思维方式和教育理念的体现。在妇科肿瘤学研究生教育中引入生物信息学知识和理念,不仅对传统医学教育模式产生冲击,还能培养研究生从多角度思考问题的能力,从而产生独特的研究方法和形成创新性思维,更能培养研究生从不同的专业角度发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力。

    [关键词] 妇科肿瘤学;研究生教育;生物信息学;交叉学科;现代医学

    [中图分类号] G642? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] A? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1673-7210(2020)09(a)-0069-04

    [Abstract] The traditional postgraduate education of gynecological oncology focuses on the pure knowledge impartation of a single subject, with outdated educational concepts, complicated teaching contents and old teaching methods, thus it is difficult to cultivate innovative postgraduate students with interdisciplinary thinking that meet the requirements of modern medicine. Bioinformatics is not only an interdisciplinary subject, but also an embodiment of thinking mode and educational philosophy. Introducing bioinformatics knowledge and concepts into postgraduate education of gynecological oncology can not only impact the traditional medical education model, but also cultivate the ability of postgraduates to think from multiple perspectives ......

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