【摘要】 目的 比较前列腺素E1联用依那普利与单用依那普利治疗糖尿病并发肾病综合征的临床疗效。方法 64例患者随机分为试验组和对照组各32例,试验组口服依那普利及静脉滴注前列腺素E1,对照组口服依那普利,治疗1个月,统计疗效 。 结果 在减少蛋白尿方面,两组治疗前后均有显著性差异,试验组与对照组治疗后有极显著性差异(P1联用依那普利治疗糖尿病并发肾病综合征优于单用依那普利。【关键词】前列腺素E1;依那普利;糖尿病;肾病综合征
Analyses for the effects of the treatment for diabetic nephropathy with integrated liposomal prostaglandin E1 and Enalapril
DENG Zhang-yin.The Second Internal Department,Dazhu Country People’s Hospital,Dazhu Country,Sichuan 635100,China
【Abstract】 Objective To compare the clinic effects of the treatments for diabetic nephropathy with integrated liposomal prostaglandin E1 (PGE1)and Enalapril.Methods 64 patients were randomly divided into control group and treated group,each with 32 patients.The treated group takes yenaepril by oral administration and prostaglandin E1 by venous inflow,while the control group takes Enalapril only by oral administration.Then compare their effects after one-month treatment.Results Albumimuria had been decreased significantly in both groups,and more significantly in treated group than in control group.While no significant increase of albumin had been found in control group.Furthermore,the treated group also have significant improvement of kidney functions than the control group,which had no significant improvement before and after the treatment.Conclusion The treatment for diabetic nephropathy with integrated prostalandin E1 and Enalapril excels the treatment with Enalapril singly. ......
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