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【摘要】 目的 观察长春瑞滨(盖诺)联合顺铂方案治疗中晚期乳腺癌的临床疗效。方法 运用盖诺(25 mg/m2IVD 第1、8天)加顺铂(DDP 80 mg/m2IV 第1天)治疗中晚期乳腺癌36例。结果 总有效率达66.7%。主要不良反应为骨髓抑制、胃肠道反应和静脉炎。白细胞减少的发生率100%,其中Ⅲ~Ⅳ度达55.6%。恶心、呕吐的发生率92.3%,Ⅲ~Ⅳ度达11.1%。静脉炎的发生率11.1%。结论 国产长春瑞滨联合顺铂对中晚期乳腺癌疗效确切,且毒性可以耐受,可以作为对蒽环类药物治疗后复发,中晚期乳腺癌患者的第二线治疗方案。
【关键词】 长春瑞滨(盖诺);顺铂;联合化疗;中晚期乳腺癌
Combination Chemotherapy With Vinorelbine and Cispatin in the Treatment of Advanced Breast Cancer
ZHANG Jin-yu.The Central Hospital of QianjiangCity,Qianjiang 433100,China
【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the effective of combination chemotheraphy of NVB plus cisplatin on advanced breast cancer.Methods 26 patients of advanced breast cancer were treated with NVB 25 mg/m2 IVD for day1 and day8 and cisplatin 80 mg/m2 IV for day1.Results Complete response was observed in 3 patients,partial response in 12 patients,with an overall response rate of 57.6%.The most common toxicities were myelosuppression,vomiting and phlebitis.Leukopenia was observed in all patients (100%) and grade 3 and grade 4 leukopenia in most of patients(57.7%).The rates of vomiting were 92.3%,and grade 3 and grade 4 vomiting were 11.5%.The rates of phlebitis were 15.4%.Conclusion The NP combination chemotheraphy was effective for advanced breast cancer and the toxicities were tolerable.It serves as the second line chemotherapy regimen on patient with anthracycline-resistant metastatic breast cancer. ......
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