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[7] Catherine L,Andrew P.Language level and nonverbal social-communicative behaviors in autism and language-delayed children.J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 1996,35(11):154.
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[9] 吴海生,蔡来舟,主编.实用语言治疗学.人民军医出版社,1995:144-166.
[10] 李雪荣,陈劲梅,主编.孤独症诊断学.中南大学出版社, 2004:41.
[11] Rosenwasser B,Tcxekod S.More contributions of applied behavior analys is to education of people with autism.Behav Modif, 2002, 26(1):38.
[12] 刘乡.大脑皮层和皮层下核团对中缝大核的调控及其在针刺镇痛中的作用.针刺研究, 1996,21(1):4.
[13] Allen G, Courchesne E.Attention function and dysfunction in autism.Front Biosci, 2001,6:105-119.
[14] 昝飞,马红英.自闭症儿童的干预内容与方法.中国临床康复,2005,9(5):136.
, 百拇医药(周惠嫦 张盘德)
[4] Bryson SE.Epidemiology of autism.Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1996,26:165-167.
[5] 王佶,王艺,高鸿云.儿童孤独症的诊治进展.国际儿科学杂志, 2006,33(01):41-44.
[6] Njardvik U, Matson JL, Cerry KE.A Comparison of Social Skills In Adults with Autistic Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified,and Mental Retardation.J Autism Dev Disord, 1999,29(4):287-295.
[7] Catherine L,Andrew P.Language level and nonverbal social-communicative behaviors in autism and language-delayed children.J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 1996,35(11):154.
[8] 陶细姣,古美华,丁丽,等.31例儿童孤独症的脑干听觉诱发电位分析.中华物理医学与康复杂志,2003,25(2):108.
[9] 吴海生,蔡来舟,主编.实用语言治疗学.人民军医出版社,1995:144-166.
[10] 李雪荣,陈劲梅,主编.孤独症诊断学.中南大学出版社, 2004:41.
[11] Rosenwasser B,Tcxekod S.More contributions of applied behavior analys is to education of people with autism.Behav Modif, 2002, 26(1):38.
[12] 刘乡.大脑皮层和皮层下核团对中缝大核的调控及其在针刺镇痛中的作用.针刺研究, 1996,21(1):4.
[13] Allen G, Courchesne E.Attention function and dysfunction in autism.Front Biosci, 2001,6:105-119.
[14] 昝飞,马红英.自闭症儿童的干预内容与方法.中国临床康复,2005,9(5):136.
, 百拇医药(周惠嫦 张盘德)
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