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http://www.100md.com 2010年2月15日 《中国实用医药》 2010年第5期
     【摘要】 通过护患沟通技巧的灵活应用从而建立起良好的护患关系,更有效的满足患者的身心健康,使护理工作开展的得心应手。


    The experience of the nursepatient communication skill in the application of the Department of infectious Diseases

    LI Rui,CUI Lixin,ZHANG Xiaopei.General Hospital Department of infectious diseases in Pingdingshan coal Industry Group Henan 467000,China

    【Abstract】Establishing a good nursepatient relationship through the flexible application of the nursepatient communication skills,the more effective to meet the patient’s physical and mental health,in order to make the care work to carry out so handy

    【Key words】 Nursepatient; Communication;Depertment of infectious diseases nursing; Skill

    护患沟通不仅是护士与患者或家属间的信息交流过程,也是与之发生相互联系的重要形式 ......

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