【摘要】 目的 观察微创治疗拇外翻畸形患者的治疗效果。方法 采用局麻下微创手术治疗拇外翻畸形68例,使用微型动力系统专用器械微创截骨,手法矫形、复位、绷带外固定。结果 所有患者均无并发症发生,足拇外翻畸形明显改善。随访6~36个月,手术优良率达95.59%。结论 本微创手术效果可靠,简单易行,可作为矫正拇外翻畸形的较好方法。【关键词】 拇外翻;微创手术;疗效观察
Observation of curative effect of treatment of hallux valgus deformation with minimally invasive surgery in 68 cases
LI Bao-min, ZHANG Xiao-yan, HA Si.Orthopedics department in The Third Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical College,InnerMongolia,Baotou014010,China
【Abstract】 ObjectiveTo study the effect of
using minimally invasive operation treatment for correction of hallux valgus deformity. ......
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