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【摘要】 通过调查医务人员对电子文献使用的需求,得出读者对图书馆发展的要求,结合医院的实际情况,订出未来发展计划,期望图书馆与医院现代化同步发展。
【关键词】 电子文献;图书馆发展;需求调查
Survey on Demands of the Electronic Documents in our Library and Future Development schemes
ZHANG Ge.Library in the People's Hospital of Fanyu, Guangdong 511400,China
【Abstract】 According to the survey on demands of the electronic documents in our library, we know the reader's requirements on the library's development, and make future schemes in accordance with actual conditions.We hope the development of our library will keep pace with the hospital’s modernization.
【Key words】 Electronic documents; Library development; Survey on demands
番禺区人民医院是广州市番禺地区最大的一间综合性医院,医院设病床800张,各级医务人员1600人,其中高级职称83人,设15个临床一级科室[1] ......