参 考 文 献
[1] Swallow R A,Agaiwaba R A, Dawkins K D,et al.Thromboelastography potential bedside tool to assesstheeffects ofantiplatelet therapy .Platelets, 2006,17:385-392.
[2] 韩雅玲.冠心病抗血小板治疗:热点与展望.中华医学杂志,2005,85:2171-2172.
[3] Reilly M P, Mohler E R 3rd.Cilostazol: treatment ofintermittentclaudication. AnnPharmacother,2001,35(1):48-56.
[4] KariyazonoH , NakamuraK, ShinkawaT , et al.Inhibitionofplatelet aggregationandthereleaseofP-selectionfromplateletsbycilostazol. ThrombRes, 2001,101(6): 445-453.
参 考 文 献
[1] Swallow R A,Agaiwaba R A, Dawkins K D,et al.Thromboelastography potential bedside tool to assesstheeffects ofantiplatelet therapy .Platelets, 2006,17:385-392.
[2] 韩雅玲.冠心病抗血小板治疗:热点与展望.中华医学杂志,2005,85:2171-2172.
[3] Reilly M P, Mohler E R 3rd.Cilostazol: treatment ofintermittentclaudication. AnnPharmacother,2001,35(1):48-56.
[4] KariyazonoH , NakamuraK, ShinkawaT , et al.Inhibitionofplatelet aggregationandthereleaseofP-selectionfromplateletsbycilostazol. ThrombRes, 2001,101(6): 445-453.