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http://www.100md.com 2010年6月15日 黄志芳 黄志红 胡吉林 周跃辉 魏得良


     【摘要】 目的 从土牛膝中提取齐墩果酸和多糖并进行定性定量分析。方法 土牛膝水煮液经水浴、酸水解、加碱煮沸后,乙醇回流、抽滤,60℃烘干精制得到齐墩果酸;土牛膝的乙醇热回流后再水提,经过浓缩、沉淀、除杂、抽滤、洗涤、低温干燥得到牛膝多糖。用薄层色谱法和分光光度法进行定性定量分析。结果 齐墩果酸的提取率为0.88%;牛膝多糖的提取率为7.2%。结论 通过含量测定结果与提取率对比,本实验方法可行。

    【关键词】 土牛膝;齐墩果酸;牛膝多糖;提取与鉴定

    Extracting and Identification of OA and ABPS of local achyranthes aspera

    HUANG Zhi-fang,HUANG Zhi-hong, HU Ji-lin,et al.

    Department of Chemistry and Life Science, Xiangnan University, Chenzhou 423000,China

    【Abstract】 Objective To extract oleanolic acid(OA) and achyranthes bidentata polysaccharides(ABPS) from local achyranthes aspera, and analyze quantitatively and qualitatively. Methods The oleanolic acid(OA) was obtained from the decoction of local achyranthes aspera through the process of washing, acid hydrolysising, adding alkali and boiling; ethanol refluxing, vacuum filtrating and 60℃ drying ......
