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【摘要】 目的 讨论采用眶内充填修补术治疗眼眶骨折后眼球内陷的方法。方法 对34例眼眶骨折后眼球内陷畸形患者,采用眶内充填修补术进行手术矫治。结果 术后34例患者眼球内陷均有明显改善,23例复视消失,11例复视不消失。结论 眶内充填修补术是治疗眼眶骨折后眼球内陷的有效方法。
【Abstract】 Objective To discuss the method of using intraorbital material padding to treat enophthalmos caused by orbital bone cataclasis.Methods Thirty-four patients who suffered from enophthalmos caused by orbital bone cataclasis were operated using intraorbital material padding.Results The enophthalmos of all the thirty-four patients were signifficantly improved after operation.Twenty-three patients' diplopia were successfully eliminated.Conclusion Intraorbital material padding is an effective method to treat enophthalmos caused by orbital bone cataclasis
【Key words】Intraorbital material padding;Orbital bone cataclasis;Enophthalmos
作者单位:215002苏州市市立医院本部整形外科(田勇 赵斌);
眼眶骨折是外力作用于眼眶及眼眶周围区域造成的眼眶爆裂性骨折、眼眶内陷骨折、眼眶复合性骨折 ......