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【摘要】 目的 了解不孕妇女生殖道感染情况及常见病原体分布规律。方法 用超高倍镜直接检查阴道后穹隆分泌物涂片和棉试子取宫颈分泌物用试剂盒培养的方法检测常见病原体。结果 不孕妇女生殖道感染率为51.9%,纤毛菌(LT)感染43.03%,解脲支原体(UU)感染22.05%,衣原体感染(CT)11.64%,念珠菌(CA)感染14.09%,加特纳菌(GV)感染8.73%,阴道毛滴虫(TV)感染0.46%。两种及两种以上混合感染率12.24%。病原体以纤毛菌、支原体、衣原体感染为主。结论 不孕妇女生殖道感染比较严重,病原体以常见细菌和支原体为主,念珠菌、衣原体次之。加强对不孕妇女生殖道感染的检测,将对指导和治疗不孕症有重大意义。
Detect and analyze the common pathogens on infertilities ofreproductive tract infections
【Abstract】 Objective To find out the situation of reproductive tract infections(RTI)and the distribution of common pathogens on infertilities.Methods Ultra-high-fold mirrors direct examination vaginal secretions after the vault smears and cervical secretions taken cotton sub-test kit used to detect common pathogens cultured.Results The infection of infertilities is 51.9%,the main pathogens is LT、UU and CT.Conclusion The reproductive tract infections of infertilities is more serious,to enhance women’s reproductive tract infections,infertility testing,guidance and treatment of infertility will be of great significance ......