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【摘要】 目的 比较米非司酮同剂量分服和顿服法抗早孕的疗效。方法 将420例患者分为分服组208例,顿服组212例。分服组:口服米非司酮50 mg,12 h后再服25 mg,连服2 d;顿服组第1天顿服米非司酮150 mg;两组都在第3天上午服米索前列醇600ug。服药前后各禁食2 h。结果 米非司酮抗早孕的完全流产率分服组90.29%,顿服组86.57%,有效率分别为99.02%,96.75%;阴道出血天数顿服组为(11.3±5.5)d,分服组为(13.5±7.4)d,两组间经t检验,P<0.05。结论 米非司酮抗早孕同剂量(150 mg)采用分服组和顿服组的效果相当,只要与医生配合密切,是安全有效的人流方法。
【关键词】 米非司酮;米索前列醇;抗早孕
Mifepristone hours suit and Burton clothing Comparison of the effects of anti-trimester abortion
【Abstract】 Objective Comparing the same dose of mifepristone sub-pregnancy clothes, and the efficacy of anti-Dayton Fufa. Methods Will serve 420 patients were divided into two sub-group of 208 cases, 212 cases of Dayton services group. Sub-service groups: Mifepristone 50 mg, 12 h after the suit 25 mg, even the clothes 2 d; First day of the Burton Group Burton clothing clothes Mifepristone 150 mg; The two groups on the third morning of misoprostol 600ug. Medication before and after fasting 2h. Results The complete termination of early pregnancy with mifepristone abortion rate sub-serving group of 90 ......