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http://www.100md.com 2010年8月15日 赵剑平 庞兴学 罗智 樊燕琴 陈晓丽 李奋超 刘洪


     【摘要】 目的 探讨血清脂蛋白(a)在老年冠心病、高血压的诊断价值。方法 采用免疫比浊法检测老年人LP(a)的含量,其中选择经冠脉造影证实的冠心病患者49例(冠心病组),原发高血压病患者50例(高血压组),健康对照组47例(健康组)。结果 冠心病组LP(a)浓度明显高于健康对照组( P<0.01),多支病变的患者LP(a)浓度明显高于单支病变患者(P<0.01),高血压组 LP(a)浓度高于健康对照组(P<0.01)。老年人 LP(a)水平与老年冠心病、高血压发生密切相关,是老年冠心病、高血压发生的危险因子之一,临床上要给予及时检测与干预。

    【关键词】 冠心病;高血压;脂蛋白(a)

    Relevant Research between Plasma Lipoprotein a and Coronary Heart Disease and Hypertention

    ZHAO Jian-ping, PANG Xing-xue, LUO Zhi, et al.

    Department of Cardiology,Geriatric Hospital of Beijing,Beijing 100095,China

    【Abstract】 Objective To discuss the diagnostic value between plasma lipoprotein(a) [LP(a)]and coronary heard disease (CHD)and hypertention.Methods LP(a) concentration was determined. Confirmd by coronary arteriography, 49 cases of coronary heart disease were selected(CHD group);50 cases of hypertentions were selected (hypertention group).47cases of normal persons were selected as normal control group (normal group).Results The concentration of LP(a)in CHD group was higher apparently than that in normal group(P<0.01).The concentration of LP(a) in branch 2 and branch 3 were higher obviously than that in branch 1(P<0.05,P<0.01).The concentration of LP(a) in hypertention group was higher apparently than that in normal group(P<0.01).Conclusion The increase of LP(a) concentration is one risk factor of CHD and hypertention.It is necessary to provide monitoring and intervention on it.

    【Key words】 Coronary heart disease; Hypertention; Plasma Lipoprotein (a)

    作者单位:100095 北京老年医院心内科


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料 研究对象为本院2008年1月至2009年12月住院的老年患者,其中冠心病组49例,男30例,女19例,年龄60~86岁,平均(65.86 ±12.8)岁;原发高血压病组50例,男25例,女25例,年龄62~90岁,平均( 72.76± 11.46)岁;健康对照组47例,男27例,女20例,年龄62~80岁,平均(66.42 ± 9.26)岁。三组间年龄和性别构成比较差异无显著性(P>0.05)。

    1.2 诊断标准 老年是指年龄≥60岁者;健康老人指排除了冠心病、糖尿病、高血压及肝肾功能不全等疾病者;原发高血压指血压≥140/90 mm Hg,符合中国高血压防治指南的高血压诊断标准,排除继发性高血压者;冠心病者均经冠状动脉造影证实,冠脉造影在GE数字剪影心血管造影机下进行,冠心病的诊断标准:冠状动脉前降支、回旋支和右冠状动脉至少有1支狭窄>50%(直径法)。

    1.3 方法 采用免疫比浊法测定LP(a)的含量,使用东芝120全自动生化分析仪分析仪 ......
