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【摘要】 目的 观察吉妮IUD、元宫IUD和Tcu380A IUD的临床效果。方法 对分别放置吉妮IUD、元宫IUD 和Tcu380A IUD的育龄妇女各202例,进行24个月观察和随访。结果 妊娠率三组间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);脱环率和因症取出率在放置18、24个月吉妮组和元宫组均比Tcu380A组减少(P<0.05);续用率在放置18、24个月吉妮组、元宫组均比Tcu380A 组增多(P<0.05);吉妮组与元宫组3、6个月的月经量增多、经期延长、不规则出血、腰腹胀痛、白带增多等不良反应均比Tcu380A组减少(P<0.05)。结论 吉妮IUD和元宫300 IUD避孕效果好,脱环率较低,续用率高,不良反应少,安全,是妇女避孕较为理想的宫内节育器,值得基层计生服务中心推广应用。
【关键词】 吉妮IUD;元宫IUD;Tcu380 AIUD;临床效果;续用率
Observation of clinical effect of Jini IUD, Yuangong IUD and Tcu380AIUD
WEI Zhao-xia. Nanning Population and Family Planning Service Center,Nanning 530022,China
【Abstract】 Objective To observe the clinical effect of Jini IUD,Yuangong IUD and Tcu380A IUD.Methods 606 reproductive age women were randomly divided into Jini IUD group(202 cases), Yuangong IUD group(202 cases) and Tcu380AIUD group(202 cases).Follow-up was arranged at 3,6,12,18,24 months after IUD insertion. Results The pregnancy rate of three groups was not statistical significant(P>0.05).The expulsion and removal rates at 18,24 months after IUD insertion in Jini and Yuangong group were lower than in Tcu380A group(P<0.05).The continuation rates in Jini and Yuangong group were higher than in Tcu380A group(P<0.05).The side effects in Jini and Yuangong group were less than in Tcu380A group(P<0.05). Conclusion Jini IUD,Yuangong 300IUD have excellent contraception efficacy, lower expulsion rates and higher continuation rates. They are recommend to wide spreading use.
【Key words】 Jini IUD;Yuangong IUD;Tcu380 AIUD;Clinical effect;Continuation rate
宫内节育器是我国育龄妇女使用最广泛的避孕方法,全国2.30亿采用各种避孕措施的已婚育龄妇女中,有1.14亿妇女在使用宫内节育器(IUD),占49.79%[1]。IUD具有安全、长效、经济、可逆等优点,但使用后出血、疼痛、脱落和带器妊娠仍是亟待解决的问题[2-4]。本文对放置吉妮IUD、元宫IUD和Tcu380 AIUD的606例妇女进行24个月的观察和随诊,旨在寻求一种高效和安全的IUD供临床使用,现将结果报告如下。
1 对象与方法
1.1 对象 选择2006年1月至2007年1月在本计划生育服务中心就诊的22~40岁,经产、健康、月经规律、无异位妊娠和葡萄胎史,夫妻同居,愿意以节育器为唯一避孕方法,无置器禁忌证并能配合随访的育龄妇女606例,随机分为吉妮组、元宫组和Tcu380A 组各202例,3组对象的一般情况比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。见表1。
月经干净3~5 d人工流产术后哺乳期
吉妮组20228.3±2.51.5±0 ......