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【摘要】 目的 探讨早期康复治疗护理对脑卒中偏瘫患者的神经缺损症状功能恢复的影响,为临床康复提供依据。方法 采用随机对照试验,选择发病两周内内的脑卒中患者64例,随机分为早期康复护理治疗组(31例)及对照组(33例),治疗前后定期对患者进行神经功能缺损评定,日常生活活动能力(ADL)评定,神经功能缺损评定采用中国卒中量表(CSS),ADL评定采用Barthel指数量表,以治疗第28天CSS和ADL改变作为主要疗效判断标准。结果 28 d后治疗组、对照组CSS相比差异有显著性(P<005);两组ADL相比差异有显著性(P<005),治疗组无明显不良反应。结论 给予早期康复护理可以明显改善脑卒中偏瘫患者日常生活能力,减少并发症的发生。
Clinical observation of the rehabilitation nursing of early hemiplegic patient with acute stroke
【Abstract】 Objective To study the effect of hemiplegic patient with acute stroke with early rehabilitation nursing Methods We performed a randomized controlled study on acute stroke patients 64 patients, enrolled within 14 days of onset were allocated to rehabilitation nursing group (n=31) or control group(n=33) randomly Before and after treatment,we assessed the neurological deficits and activities of daily living(ADL) using Chinese Stroke Scale(CSS) and Barthel Index respectively Clinical efficacywas evaluated according to changes of CSS and ADL scores on the 28th day Results On the 28th day, CSS and ADL were evalutedThere was a significant difference of CSS scores between rehabilitation nursing group and the controlgroup (P<005) There was a significant difference of ADL scores between rehabilitation nursing group and the control group (P<005) There was no distinct adverse reaction in rehabilitation nursing group Conclusion Early intervention rehabilitation nursing can improve the daily living activity of acute stroke patients and reduce the incidence of complications
【Key words】
Rehabilitation nursing;Stroke;Actuities of daily living
1 材料与方法
11 研究对象
111 入选标准 全部病例均符合下列标准:入选标准:(1)符合1995年全国第四届脑血管病的诊断标准[2],经颅脑CT或MRI确诊的出血性或缺血性脑卒中初次发病者。(2)均存在肢体功能障碍、日常生活能力减退。(3)年龄39~81岁。(4)病程在两周内。(5)神志清楚,生命体征稳定。排除标准:(1)有严重的心肝肾等脏器疾病者。(2)既往有痴呆、精神病史者;(3)外地无法随访者。
112 病例资料 2007年7月至2008年7月在我院神经内科住院64例脑梗死患者,随机分为治疗组31例和对照组33例。治疗组31例中男性21例,女性10例,年龄(63±6)岁,脑出血17例,脑梗死14例;对照组33例中男性20例,女性13例,年龄(62±7)岁,脑出血15例,脑梗死18例。两组病例的年龄,经t检验统计学处理差异无显著性(P>005),具有可比性。
12 方法
121 治疗方法 常规护理组接受相应药物治疗、内科基础护理和常规护理;康复组增加早期康复护理内容,具体方法如下。
121 早期康复护理时机 患者神智清楚,生命体征平稳,病情不再发展,48 h后即可进行康复治疗和护理。
122 心理护理 在患病急性期患者会有很多痛苦,护理人员要及时正确引导、安慰,鼓励患者积极面对现实,面对生活,树立战胜疾病的信心,建立其对医务人员的信赖感 ......