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http://www.100md.com 2011年3月15日 张维 韩广敬 于俊敏 刘传圣


     【摘要】 目的 比较双氯芬酸二乙胺乳胶剂和双氯芬酸钠肠溶片治疗肌筋膜疼痛综合征的临床疗效。方法 选择肌筋膜疼痛综合征患者80例,随机分为双氯芬酸二乙胺乳胶剂治疗组(外用组)和双氯芬酸钠肠溶片口服治疗组(口服组)。所有患者治疗前及治疗后1周、2周、3周分别进行VAS评分,并记录药物的不良反应。结果 各组治疗前后的VAS评分组内比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),组间比较无明显差异(P>0.05);外用组不良反应少且轻微,明显低于口服组(P<0.01)。结论 双氯芬酸外用乳胶剂治疗肌筋膜疼痛综合征疗效好,不良反应小。

    【关键词】 双氯芬酸二乙胺乳胶剂;双氯芬酸钠肠溶片;肌筋膜疼痛综合征

    Comparison of the Efficacy of Diclofenac Diethylamine Emulgel and DiclDfenac Sodium Enteric-coated Tablets in the Treatment of Myofascial Pain Syndrome.

    ZHANG Wei, HAN Guang-jing,YU Jun-min, et al.Department of pain management, The Affiliated Hospital of Medical College, Qingdao University,Qingdao,266003 China

    【Abstract】 Objective To compare the clinical effect and safety between diclofenac diethylamine emulgel and diclofenac sodium enteric-coated tablet in the treatment of myofascial pain syndrom. Methods Eighty patients with MFPS were divided into external application group and internal application group randomly, with the treatment of diclofenac diethylamine emulgel and diclofenac sodium enteric-coated tablet.All the patients were soredwith VAS and the effect and side effect were observed at the end of 1、2、3 week.Results VAS score of Each group was significantly different before and after treatment (P<0.01), with no significant difference between the two groups (P>0.05). few and mild adverse reactions were found in the external application group, significantly lower than that in the internal application group (P<0.01). Conclusion The treatment of myofascial pain syndrome with diclofenac diethylamine emulgel has better effect and less side effect.

    【Key words】 diclofenac diethylamine emulgel; diclofenac sodium enteric-coated tablet; myofascial pain syndrome.

    肌筋膜疼痛综合征(Myofascial Pain Syndrome,MFPS)是临床常见病,是一种慢性、原发性肌肉软组织疼痛症候群,特点为伴有1个或多个触发点(Trigger Point)。据报道,美国大约有4千万人患有MFPS,仅次于上呼吸道感染,成为求医和影响工作的第二位最常见的病因,而且易反复发作,影响患者的生活质量[1-3]。双氯芬酸是强效非甾体抗炎镇痛药,其二乙胺盐凝胶是其新型外用制剂[4,5]。为观察和评价双氯芬酸两种剂型治疗肌筋膜疼痛综合征的临床疗效和安全性,对双氯芬酸二乙胺乳胶剂及双氯芬酸钠肠溶片进行了随机平行对照试验,为双氯芬酸外用制剂替代口服治疗提供依据。报告如下。

    1 资料与方法

    1.1 病例选择 所有患者均来源于本院2009年1~10月就诊的患者。纳入标准为:(1)病程在半年以上者,符合肌筋膜疼痛综合征诊断[6];(2)可合并糖尿病、心血管疾病(非急性发作期)、骨质疏松等伴发疾病;(3)患者知情同意。排除标准为:①排除其他疾病如感染、结核、肿瘤、风湿性疾病所导致的慢性疼痛;②严重出血性疾病、严重皮肤病变或皮肤破损者、精神病患者;③同时服用其他非甾体类消炎镇痛药、糖皮质激素类药物等可能影响疗效判定的患者;④妊娠或哺乳期妇女及严重体虚者;⑤有过敏史和过敏体质者 ......
