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http://www.100md.com 2011年6月25日 谢文忠


     【摘要】 目的 长期戴用全口义齿,口腔组织与义齿产生适应性。再修复时因口内神经末梢丰富、感觉敏锐易对新制义齿产生强烈异物感而不被患者接受。义齿基托作为全口义齿的主要组成部分,面积大,直接影响口腔舒适感。本研究旨在通过旧义齿基托转移寻找义齿再修复的快速适应方法。方法 对76例再次行全口义齿修复病例随机分两组,观察组32例采用原义齿基托装盒,复制新恒基托,于恒基托上确定颌关系、排牙。对照组44例按照全口义齿制作常规处理。比较两组义齿适应时间、满意度、修复效果。结果 观察组适应时间明显缩短,满意度提高。结论 旧义齿基托转移可促进全口义齿再修复的适应性



    Old base transfer method in complete denture repaired again

    XIE Wen-zhong.KaifengStomatological Hospital, Kaifeng 475000,China

    【Abstract】 Objective

    Long-term denture wearing, oral tissues and dental produce adaptive, rich、keen in nerve endings in the mouth, feel sharp. Denture often due to the new system of oral sensation in patients with strong without being accepted. Denture denture base as the main component of the area, directly affecting the oral comfort. This study was designed to find the method of old denture base re-transfer of the rapid adaptation repaired again.Methods 76 cases of complete denture repaired again were divided into two groups, the observation group was used the original denture base boxing, copy the new permanent base, permanent base on the relationship between the determined jaw, row of teeth. The control group produced in accordance with complete denture treatment. Denture adaptation time,satisfaction, and repairing effect were compared Results The observation group showed adaptation time reduces obviously, satisfaction increases.Conclusion Old denture base transfer may promote adaptability of complete denture repairing again betterly.

    【Key words】

    Old base; Transfer;Complete denture

    随着人口老龄化和生活压力的加大,牙周病已成为影响口腔健康的重要因素。因牙周病导致的牙列缺损、缺失呈上升趋势。我国成年男子全口牙缺失率为 9.8 %,成年女性为12.3 %[1]。全口义齿修复是解决全口无牙颌患者质量的重要方法。老年群体恋旧对新修复体适应性差,较为敏感,尤其对基托合适性认同度低,再修复时基托不适成为弃用的主要原因,作者通过对76例认同原义齿的患者采用旧义齿基托转移、排牙后反复试咬最后成型的方法,取得了明显效果。

    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料


    1.1.1 观察组 男17例,女15例,年龄47~83岁,平均64.3岁。

    1.1.2 对照组 男16例,女28例,年龄51~76岁,平均62.5岁。

    1.2 入选标准


    1.3 修复方法

    1.3.1 观察组 旧义齿基托均匀磨除2 mm,于义齿的双侧磨牙区及尖牙区颊部基托处制备2~3 mm的固位孔,调拌藻酸盐放置口腔内,闭口做正中咬合和侧方咬合及口轮匝肌修整,制取功能性闭口印膜,多余藻酸盐由基托边缘均匀溢出。于旧义齿上下颌前磨牙区人工牙盖嵴部 ......
