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【摘要】 目的 研究不同生长时期南板蓝株高、分枝的变化及生长发育规律,探索南板蓝的生长发育特性,为进一步开展南板蓝的规范化种植(GAP)提供科学依据。方法 于春季定植的南板蓝种植地随机选择10株,每月中下旬定期观察其生长状况,测量株高及每株的一回、二回及三回等分枝总数,计算其平均值,并绘制动态变化曲线图。结果 5月~7月底植株增高速度较快,8月~11月增高速度减缓,11月后增高基本停止;植株分枝数在5月~8月之间逐渐增加,9月~12月快速增加,且绝大多数为生殖枝,12月后则明显减少,花期为11月底至2月底,果期为2月上旬至3月底。结论 在科学合理的栽培管理条件下,南板蓝可采用露地单种模式进行种植。
【关键词】 南板蓝;植株高度;分枝总数;变化规律
Research on the regular pattern of changes in height and branches of Baphicanthu cusia DU Pei-xin, ZHANG Dan-yan, CHEN Xiao-qing,et al. Deperment of Chinese Medicine and Biology; Guangdong Food and Drug Vocational College; Guangzhou,510520,China
【Abstract】 Objective Research the height and the changes,growth and development regular pattern of branches of Baphicanthu cusia at different times,and probe the characteristics of growth and development of Baphicanthu cusia, to provide scientific basis to carry out the Good Agricultural Practices(GAP)of Baphicanthu cusia. Methods Choosed 10 plants which were planted in spring in random in the field, observed and measured the height and branches of each plant in mid-month and late month, measured height andthe total number of the first,second and third branches of per plant,then calculated the average,recorded data and draught curve of Dynamic changes. Results The plants heightened faster during the May~July, but slower during the August-November, and almost stopped heightening after November; The total figures of branches of each plant gradually increased during the May to August, obviously increased during the September to December, and reproductive branches accounted for vast majoritybut obviously decreased after December,florescence was from the end of February to the end of November, fruit period was from earlyFebruary to the end of March.Conclusion Under the scientific and rational cultivation and management conditions,Baphicanthu cusia can be planted with monoculture cultivation mode in the open field.
【Key words】 Baphicanthu cusia;Height; Branch; Changes; Growth and development
南板蓝为爵床科多年生草本植物马蓝Baphicacanthus cusia(Nees)Bremek.,主要分布于华南、西南及华东等地,其根及根茎做南板蓝根药用,《中国药典》2010年版有收载,南板蓝根性寒、味苦,归心、胃经,具有清热解毒、凉血消斑的功效[1]。南板蓝地上茎叶在我国南方地区当南大青叶药用,又可加工制成中药青黛[1],南板蓝作为抗病毒常用中草药,利用率高,用途广泛,具有悠久的药用历史。由于南板蓝野生资源不足,其药材及中成药的生产主要依赖栽培来源,关于南板蓝的栽培研究已有报道[2-6], 但尚未见有关其生长特性的研究。本文针对栽培南板蓝的生长周期中株高、分枝的变化及生长状况展开研究,探索南板蓝的生长发育规律,为进一步开展南板蓝的规范化种植提供科学依据。
1 材料与方法
1.1 种植基地状况 广东省平远县为典型的山区县,位于广东东北部,地处亚热带山地,北纬24°24′~24°56′,东经115°44′~116°07′,为丘陵、低山区,属中亚热带季风气候区,气候温暖潮湿,日照雨量充足,年平均气温21.7℃,一月份最冷,平均气温为11℃, 7月份最热,平均气温为28.5℃。年降水量1637 mm。年均日照时数1873 h,无霜期达300 d以上。该地区土层深厚、疏松肥沃,地带性的自然土壤为红壤,土壤主要类型为山地红黄壤,富含有机质和腐殖质含量丰富,土壤肥力高,适合多种中药的生长和活性成分的积累。
1.2 材料 南板蓝植株来自广东南台药业有限公司GAP种植基地(石正镇),由无性繁殖获得,经广州中医药大学中药鉴定教研室张丹雁教授鉴定为爵床科植物马蓝Baphicacanthus cusia(Nees)Bremek。
1.3 研究方法 于设置好的的南板蓝种植地中随机选取10棵植株进行挂牌追踪观察,每实验地块为100 m2,实验重复3次;于2007年5月至2008年2月期间,每月定期观察南板蓝生长状况并测量株高及每株分枝总数,记录数据并绘制动态变化曲线图。
2 实验结果
表1 不同生长时期南板蓝的生长发育状况
表2 不同生长时期南板蓝株高及每株分枝变化数据表(n10) ......