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【摘要】 目的 评估子宫马蹄形切除术的临床效果。方法 对23例子宫腺肌病患者经腹子宫马蹄形切除术治疗,术后观察患者痛经程度、月经周期、贫血情况及性生活情况。结果 术后1个月共有8例(占78%)症状消失或明显缓解,术后3个月有20例(占86%)症状消失,经量少,无潮热,性生活正常,术后6个月17例(占73%)症状消失,术后12月随访,20例症状消失,3例明显缓解(100%)。12例月经过多患者术后经量明显减少(P<0.05),月经周期和经期无明显改变(P>0.05),4例贫血患者术后3个月血红蛋白较术前明显升高(P<0.05),性生活满意。结论 经腹子宫马蹄形切除术治疗子宫腺肌病疗效确切,手术安全,性生活不受影响,对于无生育要求、希望保留子宫、对生活质量要求高的患者,是一种较好的手术选择。
Clinic analysis of 23 cases with horseshoeshaped resection of uterine
YANG Lin, WANG Hongning. The Obstetrics Hospital of Zongnan,Chengdu 610041,China
【Abstract】 Objective
To evaluate the effects of horseshoeshaped resection of uterine. Methods 23 cases of adenomyosis by the horseshoeshaped resection of abdominal hysterectomy, patients were observed on the degrees of dysmenorrhea, menstrual cycles, anemia and sexual lives.Results After 1 month,there were 8 cases (78%) reported symptoms disappeared or significantly alleviated.20 patients (86%) were reported having less symptoms, no hot flashes, with normal sex lives 3 months later.17 patients (73%) were reported symptoms disappeared 6 month later.In a 12 month follow up, 20 patients with symptoms disappeared were observed and 3 cases were relieved (100%).12 cases of menorrhagia patients relieved significantly(P<0.05) and no significant changes were founded in menstrual cycles and in periods (P> 0.05).4 cases of anemia showed significantly increase of preoperative hemoglobin rates 3 months later (P<0.05), with satisfied sexual lives. Conclusion The horseshoeshaped resection of abdominal hysterectomy for uterine adenomyosis is effective, surgical safety, with the sexual life not being affected. It is a better choice for patients who have nonreproductive requirements and wished to preserve their uterus, to get high quality of lives after surgeries.
【Key words】
Adenomyosis; Abdominal; Uterine resection of horseshoe
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 2007年6月至2009年6月,因子宫腺肌病在我院行经腹子宫马蹄形切除术共23例 ......