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【摘要】 目的 探讨脑电图对新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病的诊断与临床病情分期分析总结。方法 将我院确诊的120例新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病患儿,根据临床分度运用脑电图进行诊断及病情评估与分度总结。结果 120例新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病患儿根据EEG结果正常EEG为23例,占19.2%;异常EEG为97例,占80.8%。对97例异常EEG分度:轻度异常为38例占39.2%、中度异常为46例占47.4%、重度异常为13例占13.4%。结果显示:新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病程度越重,脑电图异常率越高,程度也越重。结论 新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病能客观、直接地反映脑的功能状态及损害程度。脑电图不仅能较好地评价HIE与脑损伤的程度,而且重复性能好、无创、可动态监测。
EEG in hypoxicischemic encephalopathy in the diagnosis and assessment of the role of disease analysis
ZHAO Hui. Shangqiu City, First Peoples Hospital,Henan 476100,China
【Abstract】 Objective
To investigate the EEG on neonatal hypoxicischemic encephalopathy stage disease diagnosis and clinical analysis summary. Methods The hospital diagnosed 120 cases of neonatal hypoxicischemic encephalopathy, according to the clinical use of EEG for diagnosis and degree of the condition assessment and indexing summary. Results 120 cases of neonatal hypoxicischemic encephalopathy results based on EEG: normal EEG of 23 cases, accounting for 19.2%,abnormal EEG of 97 cases, accounting for 80.8%. 97 cases of abnormal EEG indexing: mild abnormalities and 38 cases accounted for 39.2%, moderately abnormal in 46 cases accounted for 47.4%, and severe abnormalities of 13 cases accounted for 13.4%. The results showed that: hypoxicischemic encephalopathy more severe, the higher rates of EEG abnormalities, more severe degree. Conclusion Neonatal hypoxicischemic encephalopathy can objectively and directly reflect the brains functional status and extent of the damage. EEG evaluation of HIE can not only better with the extent of brain damage, and repeat the performance, noninvasive, dynamic monitoring.
【Key words】
Hypoxicischemic encephalopathy; EEG;Disease assessment stage; Abnormal EEG indexing
新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病(HIE) 新生儿期发病率较高,是围生期新生儿缺氧缺血引起的脑部病变,主要因围生期窒息缺氧引起,轻者预后良好,重者可在新生儿期死亡或造成不可逆的脑损害。脑电图能够客观反映脑功能障碍,早期评价脑功能的异常,有助于临床医师对脑功能的早期诊断。现对我院120例新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病运用脑电图进行诊断及病情评估结果进行分析总结,如下。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 我院确诊的120例新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病患儿,其中男78例,女42例;孕龄:<37周26例、37~42周85例、>42周6例、不详3例。病情评估临床分度按韩玉昆新生儿HIE诊断标准[1],将HIE患儿分为:轻度33例、中度59例、重度28例。根据发病7 d内脑电图的结果,诊断标准皆具备以下三方面改变:①有宫内缺氧和产时窒息病史 ......