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【摘要】 目的 分析新生儿应激性溃疡的治疗特点,探讨采用奥美拉唑胃管注入法治疗新生儿应激性溃疡的治疗效果。方法 选择我院自2008年2月至2010年4月所收治的新生儿应激性溃疡患者共152例,将其随机分成两组,观察组与对照组,各76例。对照组采取常规性治疗法,而观察组在常规治疗法的基础上辅以奥美拉唑胃管注入治疗,具体为采取胃管注入奥美拉唑,剂量为0.6 mg/kg,1次/d,连续使用5 d。维持治疗持续到胃回抽物不再有咖啡样液体后,再行治疗1 d。结果 两组的治疗总有效率分别为,观察组96.8%,对照组73.6%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 奥美拉唑胃管注入治疗对新生儿应激性溃疡的效果较明显,与常规治疗法相比,更有利于患儿的康复,值得临床应用推广。
【关键词】 胃管注入法;奥美拉唑;应激性溃疡;新生儿
The efficacy of stomach injection method applied stress ulcer omeprazole treatment of neonatal LIN Xue,yun.Tangshi Center Hospital of Shajiabang Town of Changshu City of Jiangsu Province,Jiangsu 215542,China
【Abstract】 Objective To analyze the treatment of neonatal stress ulcer characteristics, explore the use of omeprazole in the treatment of neonatal gastric tube into the treatment of stress ulcer. Methods In our hospital from February 2008 to 2010 newborns admitted in April of stress ulcer in patients with a total of 152 cases were randomly divided into two groups, the observation group and control group, each for 76 cases. The control group taking conventional therapy, and observation group in the conventional therapy combined with Omeprazole on the basis of the stomach into the treatment, specifically to take into the stomach of omeprazole, a dose of 0.6 mg/kg, 1 time /1 d, continuous use of 5 d. Withdrawing maintenance treatment continued until the stomach was no longer a coffee,like liquid material after re,treatment of 1 d. Results The total effective treatment for both groups were in the observation group was 96.8%, 73.6% of the control group, the difference in statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion Omeprazole treatment of neonatal gastric tube into the effect of stress ulcer is obvious, compared with conventional therapy, is more conducive to the rehabilitation of children, worthy of clinical application and popularization.
【Key words】 Gastric tube into the law; Omeprazole; Stress ulcer; Neonatal
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 将我院自2008年2月至2010年4月所收治的152例新生儿应激性溃疡患者,随机分成观察组与对照组 ......
濠殿喗绻愰幏锟� pdf闂佺ǹ绻堥崝宥夊几閿燂拷 闂傚倸娲犻崑鎾绘偡閺囶亝瀚� 5 缂備礁顦介崹浼村垂鎼淬劍鏅柛顐g箓鐢娊鎮归幇顖f綈闁轰胶鍋ゅ畷妯虹暆閳ь剙鈻嶉妷銊d汗闁哄洨鍋為崐锟�濠殿噯绲界换鎰板Φ婢舵劕鐭楁い鏍ㄧ懁缁ㄦ澘螞閺夋寧顥滅憸甯嫹10婵炴垶鎼╂禍鐐垛叾闂佸憡甯幏锟�闂佹寧绋戦ˇ顓㈠焵椤掑﹥瀚�