【摘要】 目的 比较神经阻滞麻醉复合分次局部浸润麻醉与单纯阴部神经阻滞麻醉在会阴切开缝合术的镇痛效果及安全性。方法 选择120例阴道分娩产妇,22~33岁,随机分为观察组(n=60):采用会阴神经阻滞麻醉复合分次局部浸润麻醉和对照组(n=60):采用阴部神经阻滞麻醉。观察并记录两组患者缝合切口时的疼痛程度、缝合时间、产后24 h出血量、切口局部水肿、切口舒适度、出院前切口愈合情况、麻醉合并症及用药后的不良反应。结果 观察组缝合切口时的麻醉镇痛效果、缝合时间、产后24 h出血量、切口舒适度明显优于对照组(P<001或P<005);两组会阴切口局部水肿情况、会阴切口愈合情况、合并症、不良反应发生率比较差异无统计学意义(P>005)。结论 两种麻醉方法均可安全用于会阴切开缝合术,但会阴神经阻滞麻醉复合分次局部浸润麻醉的镇痛效果优于单纯神经阻滞麻醉,且操作简单,安全有效,无不良反应,可缩短缝合时间,不影响会阴切口的愈合。
【关键词】 会阴切开缝合术;局部浸润麻醉;神经阻滞麻醉
, 百拇医药
Application efficacy of nerve blocking anesthesia combined with local infiltration anesthesia undergoing episiotomy suture LIU Xiaofang,FENG Yufeng Delivery Room, Xiamen Maternal and Children Hospital,Xiamen 361003,China
【Abstract】 Objective To compare the application efficacy and safety of nerve blocking anesthesia combined with local infiltration anesthesia and nerve blocking anesthesia in parturient pregnant women of vaginal delivery undergoing episiotomy suture Methods One hundred and twenty parturient pregnant women(22~33 years old)of vaginal delivery were randomly divided into observation group and control group with 60 cases each Observation group received nerve blocking anesthesia combined with local infiltration anesthesia.Control group received nerve blocking anesthesia,and both groups were performed with 1% lidocaine The patient`s degree of pain during episiotomy suture,the time of stitch wound,vaginal bleeding quantity 24 hours after delivery,local edema complexion of perineum incision,comfortable degree of incision,concrescence complexion of incision before patients leaving hospital, the complications and adverse effects of anesthesia were observed and recorded during each operation Results The patient’s effect of anesthesia during episiotomy suture,the time of stitch wound,vaginal bleeding quantity after 24 hours of delivery,comfortable degree of incision were considered significantly better in observation group than that in control group (P<001 or P<005) The patient`s local edema complexion of incision,concrescence complexion of incision,the incidence of complications and adverse effects in the two groups were not significant (P>005) Conclusion Two anesthesia methods are safe in parturient pregnant women undergoing episiotomy suture The analgesic effect of nerve blocking anesthesia combined with local infiltration anesthesia are better than that of nerve blocking anesthesia It is a reliable technique which provides operating easy without complications, shorten the time of stitch wound, making it can be safely and effectively used with no affect to the concrescence complexion of incision for episiotomy suture., 百拇医药(刘晓芳 冯宇峰)
【关键词】 会阴切开缝合术;局部浸润麻醉;神经阻滞麻醉
, 百拇医药
Application efficacy of nerve blocking anesthesia combined with local infiltration anesthesia undergoing episiotomy suture LIU Xiaofang,FENG Yufeng Delivery Room, Xiamen Maternal and Children Hospital,Xiamen 361003,China
【Abstract】 Objective To compare the application efficacy and safety of nerve blocking anesthesia combined with local infiltration anesthesia and nerve blocking anesthesia in parturient pregnant women of vaginal delivery undergoing episiotomy suture Methods One hundred and twenty parturient pregnant women(22~33 years old)of vaginal delivery were randomly divided into observation group and control group with 60 cases each Observation group received nerve blocking anesthesia combined with local infiltration anesthesia.Control group received nerve blocking anesthesia,and both groups were performed with 1% lidocaine The patient`s degree of pain during episiotomy suture,the time of stitch wound,vaginal bleeding quantity 24 hours after delivery,local edema complexion of perineum incision,comfortable degree of incision,concrescence complexion of incision before patients leaving hospital, the complications and adverse effects of anesthesia were observed and recorded during each operation Results The patient’s effect of anesthesia during episiotomy suture,the time of stitch wound,vaginal bleeding quantity after 24 hours of delivery,comfortable degree of incision were considered significantly better in observation group than that in control group (P<001 or P<005) The patient`s local edema complexion of incision,concrescence complexion of incision,the incidence of complications and adverse effects in the two groups were not significant (P>005) Conclusion Two anesthesia methods are safe in parturient pregnant women undergoing episiotomy suture The analgesic effect of nerve blocking anesthesia combined with local infiltration anesthesia are better than that of nerve blocking anesthesia It is a reliable technique which provides operating easy without complications, shorten the time of stitch wound, making it can be safely and effectively used with no affect to the concrescence complexion of incision for episiotomy suture., 百拇医药(刘晓芳 冯宇峰)