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Apple等[6]对371例疑似ACS的患者检测血浆hs-cTnT水平, 出院后随访60 d, 观察心血管事件发生的情况, 结果9例(13%)发生心肌梗死。本研究30 d的随访发现, hs-cTnT阳性组主要心脏事件发生率均高于hs-cTnT阴性组, 两组相比差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。本研究揭示hs-cTnT水平升高可预示短期预后不良, 主要心血管事件发生率增加, 此类患者应视为高危人群, 尽早行介入治疗, 重点加强监护。
综上所述, 通过检测hs-cTnT水平来判断UAP患者冠脉病变的严重程度及其病变范围、估测预后。hs-cTnT阳性的患者, 冠脉病变狭窄程度重、病变范围大, 预后差。这对于UAP患者治疗方法的选择有重要意义, 尤其对于高危患者应尽早介入治疗或外科治疗。
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[4]Apple FS, Pearce LA, Smith SW, et al. Role of monitoring changes in sensitive cardiac troponin I assay Results for early diagnosis of myocardial infarction and predicition of risk of adverseevents.Clin Chem Acta, 2009,55(5):930-937.
[5]Wilson SR, Sabatine MS, Braunwald E, et al. Dectection of myocardial injury in patients with unstable angiana using a novel nanoparticle cardiac troponin I assays:observations from the PROTECT-TIMI 30 Trial.Am Heart J, 2009,158(3):386-391.
[6]Apple FS, Smith SW, Pearce LA, et al. Use of the Centaur TnI-Ultra assay for detection of myocardial infarction and adverse events in with symptoms suggestive of acute coronary syndrome. Clin Chem, 2008, 54(4):723-728.