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http://www.100md.com 2015年7月15日 中国实用医药 2015年第20期
     【摘要】 痛风为嘌呤代谢紊乱和(或)尿酸排泄障碍所致血尿酸增高的一组异质性疾病, 主要表现为高尿酸血症及痛风性关节炎。本文综述了抗痛风药物临床应用进展, 根据抗痛风药作用方式不同对五类抗痛风药进行分析 , 对抗痛风药物的临床合理使用有十分重要的帮助。

    【关键词】 抗痛风药物;血尿酸增高;排泄障碍

    【Abstract】 Gout is a heterogeneous disease with increased blood uric acid, induced by purine metabolic disorder and (or) uric acid acatharsia. Its main manifestations include hyperuricemia and gouty arthritis. Progress in clinical application of anti-gout drugs was summarized in this paper. Analysis was made on five kinds of anti-gout drugs by their different operation modes ......
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