综上所述, 体外循环心脏手术患者在采取综合血液保护措施基础上, 以血红蛋白<80 g/L作为输血标准是确实可行的, 能减少异体血的输入, 节约宝贵的血液资源, 减轻患者输血费用。但是本研究中冠状动脉旁路移植术仅有3例, 而且排除了复杂先天性心脏病、大血管手术及老年、心功能差的患者, 因此对于相关患者及疾病的手术输血标准尚需进一步研究。
[1]Koch CG, Li L, Sessler DI, et al. Duration of red-cell storge and complications after cardiac surgery. N Engl J Med, 2008, 358(12):1229-1239.
[2]Surgenor SD, Kramer RS, Olmstead EM, et al. The association of postoperative red blood cell trnsfusions and decreased long-term survival after cardiac surgery. Anesth Analg, 2009, 108(6):1741-1746.
[3]Bjursten H, Dardashti A, Ederoth P, et al. Increased long-term mortality with plasma transfusion after coronary artery bypass surgery. Intensive Care Med, 2013, 39(3):437-444.
[4]Khan RM, Siddiqui AM, Natrajan KM. Blood conservation and autotransfusion in cardiac surgery. J Card Surg, 1993, 8(1):25-31.
[5]Society of Thoracic Surgeons Blood Conservation Guideline Task Force, Ferraris VA, Brown JR, et al. 2011 update to the society of thoracic surgeons and the society of cardiovascular anesthesiologists blood conservation clinical practice guidelines. Ann Thorac Surg, 2011, 91(3):944-982.
[收稿日期:2015-07-01], http://www.100md.com(钟标 魏崴 李勇生)
[1]Koch CG, Li L, Sessler DI, et al. Duration of red-cell storge and complications after cardiac surgery. N Engl J Med, 2008, 358(12):1229-1239.
[2]Surgenor SD, Kramer RS, Olmstead EM, et al. The association of postoperative red blood cell trnsfusions and decreased long-term survival after cardiac surgery. Anesth Analg, 2009, 108(6):1741-1746.
[3]Bjursten H, Dardashti A, Ederoth P, et al. Increased long-term mortality with plasma transfusion after coronary artery bypass surgery. Intensive Care Med, 2013, 39(3):437-444.
[4]Khan RM, Siddiqui AM, Natrajan KM. Blood conservation and autotransfusion in cardiac surgery. J Card Surg, 1993, 8(1):25-31.
[5]Society of Thoracic Surgeons Blood Conservation Guideline Task Force, Ferraris VA, Brown JR, et al. 2011 update to the society of thoracic surgeons and the society of cardiovascular anesthesiologists blood conservation clinical practice guidelines. Ann Thorac Surg, 2011, 91(3):944-982.
[收稿日期:2015-07-01], http://www.100md.com(钟标 魏崴 李勇生)