【摘要】 目的 探讨应用中西医结合方法治疗肛门瘙痒症的临床效果。方法 120例肛门瘙痒症患者随机分为治疗组和对照组, 各60例。治疗组采用肛周部分皮肤切除及皮下剥离术、肛门周围注射复方亚甲蓝配比液及自拟中药熏洗坐浴的中西医结合治疗;对照组以益康唑曲安奈德乳膏剂(派瑞松)适量早、晚各1次于肛周瘙痒皮肤处外用。观察两组治疗效果。结果 治疗组痊愈50例(83.3%)、好转10例(16.7%)、无效0例;对照组痊愈12例(20.0%)、好转25例(41.7%)、无效23例(38.3%)。两组治疗效果比较, 差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 采用中西医结合疗法治疗肛门瘙痒症取得了显著的疗效, 值得临床推广应用。
【关键词】 肛门瘙痒症;中西医结合;临床观察
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate clinical effect of integrated Chinese and Western medicines in the treatment of pruritus ani. Methods A total of 120 pruritus ani patients were randomly divided into treatment group and control group, with 60 cases in each group. The treatment group received integrated Chinese and Western treatment by crissum partial skin resection, subcutaneous decollement, compound methylthioninium chloride injection, and self-made fumigation and washing Chinese medicine. The control group received triamcinolone acetonide econazole ointment (Pevisone) on crissum skin in morning and night. Curative effects of the two groups were observed. Results There were 50 cured cases (83.3%), 10 improved cases (16.7%), and 0 ineffective case in the treatment group. There were 12 cured cases (20.0%), 25 improved cases (41.7%), and 23 ineffective cases (38.3%) in the control group. The difference between the two groups had statistical significance (P<0.05). Conclusion Implement of integrated Chinese and Western medicines provides precisely curative effect in treating pruritus ani, and this method is worthy of clinical promotion and application.
【Key words】 Pruritus ani; Integrated Chinese and Western medicines; Clinical observation
肛门瘙痒症是指肛管、肛门周围皮肤及会阴部皮肤瘙痒但无原发性损害的难治性肛周皮肤病。是一种神经机能障碍性肛周皮肤病, 具体病因较为复杂, 一般局限于肛门周围, 但有时可蔓延至会阴及阴囊周围, 由于长期瘙抓可引起局部出血、糜烂或渗出, 日久皮肤增厚、粗糙, 呈苔藓样变, 皮肤因失去弹性而多发皲裂。常为阵发性, 尤以夜间明显。自2011年以来, 本院采用肛周部分皮肤切除及皮下剥离术、肛门周围注射复方亚甲蓝配比液及自拟中药熏洗坐浴中西医结合治疗肛门瘙痒症, 临床取得满意疗效, 现报告如下。
1 资料与方法
1. 1 一般资料 本组120例患者, 随机分成治疗组和对照组, 各60例。治疗组男33例, 女27例;年龄20~65岁, 平均年龄37.6岁。对照组男36例, 女24例;年龄22~65岁, 平均年龄38.5岁。两组一般资料比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05), 具有可比性。以上病例均符合《中国肛肠病学》肛门瘙痒症的诊断标准[1]。排除产生于原发性疾病的肛门瘙痒、伴有明显特异性皮肤损害和原发性病变。
1. 2 治疗方法
1. 2. 1 治疗组 硬膜外麻醉生效后, 患者取左侧卧位, 常规皮肤消毒。在肛周选取2~3处瘙痒明显或皮损明显处, 切除部分皮肤, 切口呈梭型放射状, 宽度<1.0 cm, 长度以2.0~3.0 cm为宜。提起两侧皮缘, 沿切口在瘙痒皮下用纹式钳做潜行剥离, 避免使用暴力, 防止皮下血肿形成。取2%亚甲蓝注射液2 ml、0.5%罗哌卡因注射液5 ml、0.9氯化钠注射液10 ml制成配比液。以7号细针头, 在皮肤瘙痒边缘处将配比液均匀注入皮下, 范围应包括全部瘙痒病区, 每次药物用量应<15 ml。应掌握好进针深度, 以不超过0.5 cm为宜。术后第1天开始以自制中药药液每日晨起、晚上睡前, 熏洗坐浴, 2次/d, 并在每次排便后要熏洗坐浴。熏洗液温度以60℃左右为宜, 先熏蒸肛门10 min, 待药液温度舒适后再坐浴擦洗肛门10 min。自制中药熏洗方如下:苦参50 g、蛇床子30 g、白鲜皮30 g、五倍子20 g、防风20 g、百部20 g、苍术20 g、金银花20 g、黄柏20 g、芒硝20 g、当归20 g、丹参20 g, 水煎1000 ml, 1剂/d。, 百拇医药(王广帅)
【关键词】 肛门瘙痒症;中西医结合;临床观察
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate clinical effect of integrated Chinese and Western medicines in the treatment of pruritus ani. Methods A total of 120 pruritus ani patients were randomly divided into treatment group and control group, with 60 cases in each group. The treatment group received integrated Chinese and Western treatment by crissum partial skin resection, subcutaneous decollement, compound methylthioninium chloride injection, and self-made fumigation and washing Chinese medicine. The control group received triamcinolone acetonide econazole ointment (Pevisone) on crissum skin in morning and night. Curative effects of the two groups were observed. Results There were 50 cured cases (83.3%), 10 improved cases (16.7%), and 0 ineffective case in the treatment group. There were 12 cured cases (20.0%), 25 improved cases (41.7%), and 23 ineffective cases (38.3%) in the control group. The difference between the two groups had statistical significance (P<0.05). Conclusion Implement of integrated Chinese and Western medicines provides precisely curative effect in treating pruritus ani, and this method is worthy of clinical promotion and application.
【Key words】 Pruritus ani; Integrated Chinese and Western medicines; Clinical observation
肛门瘙痒症是指肛管、肛门周围皮肤及会阴部皮肤瘙痒但无原发性损害的难治性肛周皮肤病。是一种神经机能障碍性肛周皮肤病, 具体病因较为复杂, 一般局限于肛门周围, 但有时可蔓延至会阴及阴囊周围, 由于长期瘙抓可引起局部出血、糜烂或渗出, 日久皮肤增厚、粗糙, 呈苔藓样变, 皮肤因失去弹性而多发皲裂。常为阵发性, 尤以夜间明显。自2011年以来, 本院采用肛周部分皮肤切除及皮下剥离术、肛门周围注射复方亚甲蓝配比液及自拟中药熏洗坐浴中西医结合治疗肛门瘙痒症, 临床取得满意疗效, 现报告如下。
1 资料与方法
1. 1 一般资料 本组120例患者, 随机分成治疗组和对照组, 各60例。治疗组男33例, 女27例;年龄20~65岁, 平均年龄37.6岁。对照组男36例, 女24例;年龄22~65岁, 平均年龄38.5岁。两组一般资料比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05), 具有可比性。以上病例均符合《中国肛肠病学》肛门瘙痒症的诊断标准[1]。排除产生于原发性疾病的肛门瘙痒、伴有明显特异性皮肤损害和原发性病变。
1. 2 治疗方法
1. 2. 1 治疗组 硬膜外麻醉生效后, 患者取左侧卧位, 常规皮肤消毒。在肛周选取2~3处瘙痒明显或皮损明显处, 切除部分皮肤, 切口呈梭型放射状, 宽度<1.0 cm, 长度以2.0~3.0 cm为宜。提起两侧皮缘, 沿切口在瘙痒皮下用纹式钳做潜行剥离, 避免使用暴力, 防止皮下血肿形成。取2%亚甲蓝注射液2 ml、0.5%罗哌卡因注射液5 ml、0.9氯化钠注射液10 ml制成配比液。以7号细针头, 在皮肤瘙痒边缘处将配比液均匀注入皮下, 范围应包括全部瘙痒病区, 每次药物用量应<15 ml。应掌握好进针深度, 以不超过0.5 cm为宜。术后第1天开始以自制中药药液每日晨起、晚上睡前, 熏洗坐浴, 2次/d, 并在每次排便后要熏洗坐浴。熏洗液温度以60℃左右为宜, 先熏蒸肛门10 min, 待药液温度舒适后再坐浴擦洗肛门10 min。自制中药熏洗方如下:苦参50 g、蛇床子30 g、白鲜皮30 g、五倍子20 g、防风20 g、百部20 g、苍术20 g、金银花20 g、黄柏20 g、芒硝20 g、当归20 g、丹参20 g, 水煎1000 ml, 1剂/d。, 百拇医药(王广帅)