【摘要】 目的 对剖宫术后子宫瘢痕处妊娠(CSP)患者的临床情况进行详细分析。方法 116例CSP患者作为研究对象, 统计孕产妇的一般资料、临床症状及既往剖宫产情况并进行记录。结果 与前一次剖宫产间隔时间较短的患者CSP的临床发生率较高, CSP中剖宫产1次的孕产妇较多, 早期妊娠CSP治疗的并发症发生率要低于中期妊娠, 差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 有过剖宫产史尤其时间隔时间比较短的孕产妇应及时进行B超检查, 如果确诊为CSP时应及时进行治疗。【关键词】 剖宫产;子宫瘢痕处妊娠;分娩
【Abstract】 Objective To analyze clinical condition of cesarean scar pregnancy (CSP) patients. Methods There were 116 CSP patients as study subjects, and their general data, clinical symptoms and cesarean section condition were summarized and recorded. Results Patients with short time gap with their previous cesarean section had high incidence of CSP. Patient with 1 time cesarean section accounted for the most CSP proportion. Incidence of complications was lower in early pregnancy CSP than midtrimester pregnancy ......
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