【摘要】 小儿推拿属于中医外治法。相比于中医内服汤药治疗, 小儿推拿治疗儿童便秘, 具有简、便、验、廉的特点, 而且属于天然物理疗法, 安全无副作用, 小儿及家长容易接受。本文结合小儿便秘的病因病机, 对崔老特色小儿推拿手法的治疗经验进行了总结。【关键词】 小儿推拿;小儿便秘;经验总结
【Abstract】 As an external therapy of traditional Chinese medicine, pediatric manipulation contained advantages of convenient, quick, feasible and low cost in treating pediatric constipation, comparing with oral administration decoction. As a natural physical therapy, this method was safe without side effects ......
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