【摘要】 通过总结毛德西教授临床治疗太阳少阳并病发热证、外感风寒表实兼证、少阳阳明合病等外感病证, 介绍临床常用方药。毛德西教授应用经方治疗外感病证, 临床疗效显著。小柴胡汤为少阳百病之宗方, 和解少阳之总方, 外感病证、外感内伤皆可辨证用之。葛根为阳明之药, 解表生津, 升发脾胃清阳之气, 对外感表证、发热恶寒、头痛无汗、项背强痛, 无论风寒表证, 风热表证均可用之。
【关键词】 经方;太阳少阳并病;外感风寒表实兼证;少阳阳明合病;外感病证
Introduction of experience by Professor Mao Dexi applying classical prescription in the treatment of exogenous disease LI Ping, CHEN Zhi, MAO De-xi. Zhoukou City Sixth People’s Hospital, Zhoukou 466000, China
【Abstract】 Introduction of common clinical prescriptions was made by summarization of expression by Professor Mao Dexi in the treatment of symptoms caused by exopathogen, such as Taiyang disease involving Shaoyang channel, wind-cold exterior excess accompanying syndromes and Shaoyang disease involving Yangming meridians. Classical prescription applied by Professor Mao Dexi in the treatment of symptoms caused by exopathogen showed precisely clinical effects. As traditional prescription for Shaoyang diseases and leading prescription for harmonizing Shaoyang, Xiaochaihu decoction was appropriate for symptoms caused by exopathogen, exogenous and internal injuries in accordance with syndrome differentiation. Pueraria lobata, as Yangming medication, relieved exterior syndrome, engendered liquid, and elevated spleen and stomach Qingyang. It was feasible in treating both wind-cold exterior and wind-heat exterior syndromes, such as exopathogen, fever with cold aversion, headache without sweat, and severe pain in neck and back.
【Key words】 Classical prescription; Taiyang disease involving Shaoyang channel; Wind-cold exterior excess accompanying syndromes; Shaoyang disease involving Yangming meridians; Symptoms caused by exopathogen
毛德西教授是國家级名老中医, 主任医师、教授, 国家级名医工作室传承指导老师。从事中医内科临床、教学和科研工作五十余年, 治学严谨, 医术精湛, 临证经验丰富, 于内、外、妇、幼及疑难杂症无一不精, 尤擅长于运用经方治疗疑难杂症, 而在医治外感病方面更有成效。毛老认为外感病即是以外感为病因的疾病总称, 是指因感受六淫、疫疠之气等外邪而产生的疾病。病邪先侵犯人体皮毛肌肤, 或从口鼻吸入, 初起多有寒热或上呼吸道感染症状等[1]。《难经》指出:“伤寒有五:有中风、有伤寒、有湿温、有热病、有温病”, 说明中医所谓伤寒有广义与狭义之分;广义伤寒包含了风、寒、湿、温、热诸病, 实是外感病的总称;狭义伤寒则专指因寒邪所伤的疾病[2]。《伤寒论》系统地阐述了多种外感疾病及杂病的辨证论治, 理法方药俱全, 在《内经》、《难经》的理论基础上, 总结了前人的医学成就和丰富的实践经验, 集汉代以前外感治验之大成, 并结合仲景临床心得, 在中医发展史上具有划时代的意义和承先启后的作用, 不仅为诊治外感疾病提出了辨证纲领和治疗方法, 更奠定了辨证论治的基础。纵观《伤寒论》一书, “未病先防、既病防变”即是用经方治疗外感病要点[3]。作者师从毛老, 深感毛老运用经方治疗外感病有独到见解, 临床疗效显著, 特将其治疗该病的经验整理如下, 以飨读者。
1 太阳少阳并病发热证
患者, 男, 36岁, 1个月前感冒, 之后出现间断性发热 , 有时1 d发热数次, 有时数日发热1次。且发热以下午为重, 体温37.2~38.5℃。实验室检查示:血常规正常, 肺炎支原体、衣原体检测阴性。X线胸片未见异常。曾多方治疗效果不佳(具体用药不详), 遂来求诊。刻诊:体温37.8℃, 头痛项强, 恶风, 身困乏力, 口苦咽干, 咽腔后壁充血水肿。舌质红, 苔薄黄, 脉浮弦数。处方桂枝加葛根汤合小柴胡汤加减:桂枝10 g, 白芍10 g, 葛根30 g, 柴胡12 g, 制半夏10 g, 黄芩10 g, 党参15 g, 炙甘草9 g, 生姜3片, 大枣5枚。3剂, 水煎服, 1剂/d, 分2次温服。2015年2月8日复诊, 患者述服药后热退而未尽, 仍觉头痛, 胃纳欠佳, 舌质红, 苔薄黄, 脉浮稍数。守前方加白芷10 g, 炒山楂30 g, 生麦芽15 g, 继服3剂而愈。, http://www.100md.com(理萍 陈志 毛德西)
【关键词】 经方;太阳少阳并病;外感风寒表实兼证;少阳阳明合病;外感病证
Introduction of experience by Professor Mao Dexi applying classical prescription in the treatment of exogenous disease LI Ping, CHEN Zhi, MAO De-xi. Zhoukou City Sixth People’s Hospital, Zhoukou 466000, China
【Abstract】 Introduction of common clinical prescriptions was made by summarization of expression by Professor Mao Dexi in the treatment of symptoms caused by exopathogen, such as Taiyang disease involving Shaoyang channel, wind-cold exterior excess accompanying syndromes and Shaoyang disease involving Yangming meridians. Classical prescription applied by Professor Mao Dexi in the treatment of symptoms caused by exopathogen showed precisely clinical effects. As traditional prescription for Shaoyang diseases and leading prescription for harmonizing Shaoyang, Xiaochaihu decoction was appropriate for symptoms caused by exopathogen, exogenous and internal injuries in accordance with syndrome differentiation. Pueraria lobata, as Yangming medication, relieved exterior syndrome, engendered liquid, and elevated spleen and stomach Qingyang. It was feasible in treating both wind-cold exterior and wind-heat exterior syndromes, such as exopathogen, fever with cold aversion, headache without sweat, and severe pain in neck and back.
【Key words】 Classical prescription; Taiyang disease involving Shaoyang channel; Wind-cold exterior excess accompanying syndromes; Shaoyang disease involving Yangming meridians; Symptoms caused by exopathogen
毛德西教授是國家级名老中医, 主任医师、教授, 国家级名医工作室传承指导老师。从事中医内科临床、教学和科研工作五十余年, 治学严谨, 医术精湛, 临证经验丰富, 于内、外、妇、幼及疑难杂症无一不精, 尤擅长于运用经方治疗疑难杂症, 而在医治外感病方面更有成效。毛老认为外感病即是以外感为病因的疾病总称, 是指因感受六淫、疫疠之气等外邪而产生的疾病。病邪先侵犯人体皮毛肌肤, 或从口鼻吸入, 初起多有寒热或上呼吸道感染症状等[1]。《难经》指出:“伤寒有五:有中风、有伤寒、有湿温、有热病、有温病”, 说明中医所谓伤寒有广义与狭义之分;广义伤寒包含了风、寒、湿、温、热诸病, 实是外感病的总称;狭义伤寒则专指因寒邪所伤的疾病[2]。《伤寒论》系统地阐述了多种外感疾病及杂病的辨证论治, 理法方药俱全, 在《内经》、《难经》的理论基础上, 总结了前人的医学成就和丰富的实践经验, 集汉代以前外感治验之大成, 并结合仲景临床心得, 在中医发展史上具有划时代的意义和承先启后的作用, 不仅为诊治外感疾病提出了辨证纲领和治疗方法, 更奠定了辨证论治的基础。纵观《伤寒论》一书, “未病先防、既病防变”即是用经方治疗外感病要点[3]。作者师从毛老, 深感毛老运用经方治疗外感病有独到见解, 临床疗效显著, 特将其治疗该病的经验整理如下, 以飨读者。
1 太阳少阳并病发热证
患者, 男, 36岁, 1个月前感冒, 之后出现间断性发热 , 有时1 d发热数次, 有时数日发热1次。且发热以下午为重, 体温37.2~38.5℃。实验室检查示:血常规正常, 肺炎支原体、衣原体检测阴性。X线胸片未见异常。曾多方治疗效果不佳(具体用药不详), 遂来求诊。刻诊:体温37.8℃, 头痛项强, 恶风, 身困乏力, 口苦咽干, 咽腔后壁充血水肿。舌质红, 苔薄黄, 脉浮弦数。处方桂枝加葛根汤合小柴胡汤加减:桂枝10 g, 白芍10 g, 葛根30 g, 柴胡12 g, 制半夏10 g, 黄芩10 g, 党参15 g, 炙甘草9 g, 生姜3片, 大枣5枚。3剂, 水煎服, 1剂/d, 分2次温服。2015年2月8日复诊, 患者述服药后热退而未尽, 仍觉头痛, 胃纳欠佳, 舌质红, 苔薄黄, 脉浮稍数。守前方加白芷10 g, 炒山楂30 g, 生麦芽15 g, 继服3剂而愈。, http://www.100md.com(理萍 陈志 毛德西)