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http://www.100md.com 2020年7月15日 《中国实用医药》 202020
     【摘要】 目的 探讨腹腔镜肠造口术在梗阻性结直肠癌患者中的临床价值。方法 回顾性分析17例行腹腔镜肠造口术治疗的梗阻性结直肠癌患者的临床资料。结果 17例患者均顺利实施腹腔镜造口手术, 未中转行开腹手术, 其中行乙状结肠双腔造口1例, 横结肠双腔造口7例, 回肠双腔造口9例。术后安返病房, 无一例患者转重症医学科, 未出现围手术期死亡病例。患者平均手术时间为(75±15)min, 术中出血量为2~20 ml, 平均术中出血量为10 ml。术后留置胃管时间为1~2 d, 留置尿管时间为1~2 d, 下床活动时间为1~2 d。术后1~2 d, 肛袋膨胀后或有肠内容物流出后可拔除胃管, 少量流质饮食。17例患者术后随访3个月, 均未出现死亡, 未出现切口感染及切口疝, 未发生严重并发症。结论 腹腔镜肠造口术应用于梗阻性结直肠癌患者创伤小、并发症少, 明显提高了手术安全性, 是梗阻性结直肠癌患者首选的造口方式。

    【关键词】 腹腔镜;肠造口术;梗阻性结直肠癌;肠梗阻


    【Abstract】 Objective To discuss the clinical value of laparoscopic enterostomy in patients with obstructive colorectal cancer. Methods The clinical data of 17 patients with obstructive colorectal cancer undergoing laparoscopic enterostomy were retrospectively analyzed. Results 17 patients were successfully performed laparoscopic stoma, not converted to open surgery, including 1 case of sigmoid double lumen stoma, 7 cases of transverse double lumen stoma, 9 cases of ileal double lumen stoma. No patient was transferred to intensive care department and no perioperative death occurred. The average surgery time was (75±15) min, the amount of intraoperative hemorrhage was 2-20 ml, and the average amount of intraoperative hemorrhage was 10 ml. The time of indwelling gastric tube was 1-2 d after surgery, the time of indwelling urinary tube was 1-2 d, and the time of off-bed activity was 1-2 d. 1-2 d after surgery, the gastric tube can be removed and a small amount of liquid diet can be removed after the anal bag is inflated or after the intestinal contents have flowed out. All the 17 patients were followed up for 3 months without death, infection, hernia or serious complications. Conclusion Laparoscopic enterostomy has the advantages of less trauma and fewer complications, which significantly improves the safety of surgery and is the preferred ostomy method for patients with obstructive colorectal cancer.

    【Key words】 laparoscopic; Enterostomy; Obstructive colorectal cancer; Intestinal obstruction

    浸潤型结直肠癌肠腔变窄, 出现肠梗阻, 患者常疼痛难忍且不能进食。肠造口术既是挽救患者生命的需要, 也是改善患者生活质量的手段[1]。由于晚期梗阻性结直肠癌病例往往发现迟, 年龄大, 伴有电解质紊乱、贫血、营养不良、肝肺转移、腹腔转移等, 急诊剖腹探查行肠造口术死亡率高、并发症多。而面对术前评估结直肠肿瘤不能R0切除且合并肠梗阻患者, 术前放化疗使腹胀加重, 甚至肠穿孔现象时有发生[2, 3]。这时采取开腹预防性造口造成的肠粘连影响着二期肿瘤根治术。这两种现状令临床医生感到棘手。及时改进手术方式是降低该部分患者死亡率、并发症, 使术前放化疗顺利进行的关键。本研究回顾性分析2015年7月~2019年4月作者医院对梗阻性结直肠癌患者实施腹腔镜造口术情况, 效果良好, 现报告如下。

    1 资料与方法

    1. 1 一般资料 回顾性分析2015年7月~2019年4月作者医院收治的梗阻性结直肠癌患者17例, 男13例, 女4例;年龄51~84岁, 平均年龄67.5岁;其中<60岁4例, 60~75岁10例, >75岁3例, 其中>80岁3例;其中, 直肠癌13例, 乙状结肠癌1例, 降结肠癌术后复发1例, 结肠肝曲癌2例;术前分期:cT4a~4bN0~1M0ⅡB~ⅢB期4例, cT4a~4bN0~1M1aⅣA期3例, cT4bN1~2M1bⅣB期10例。所有患者均有不同程度肠梗阻症状, 其中完全性肠梗阻患者8例, 有明显腹部膨隆, 部分患者肛门停止排气、排便。17例患者中, 浸润前列腺1例;合并宫颈鳞癌1例;合并肝脏、腹腔转移2例;合并肝肺转移3例;合并肺转移2例;1例有降结肠癌根治手术病史;周围淋巴结明显肿大者7例。, http://www.100md.com(官伟军 王洪健 杨凯)
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