当前位置: 首页 > 医学版 > 期刊论文 > 临床医学 > 中华急诊医学杂志 > 2010年 > 第11期 > 第2期 > 正文
http://www.100md.com 2010年2月1日 井玉生 丁宝峰 夏红梅 张西增


     【摘要】 目的 探讨新生儿腹部手术对患儿术中体温和凝血功能的影响。方法 将60例择期全麻下行腹部手术的患儿随机分为对非保温组和保温组,各30例。保温组给予充气式保温毯等综合保温措施,观察两组患儿术中体温变化和凝血功能变化。结果 保温组患者术中体温保持较恒定,各时间点间比较差异无统计学意义;非保温组患儿体温随手术时间的延长,体温进行性下降,60 min后各时间点温度值与基础值比较差异有统计学意义,且与保温组比较差异亦有统计学意义。非保温组术后与术前比较PLT、PT、APTT、FBG差异均有统计学意义。 结论 术中使用综合保温措施有利于保持新生儿术中体温和凝血功能稳定。


    Study on temperature and coagulation function of neonate abdominal surgery during undergoing operation

    JING Yu sheng,DING Bao feng,XIA Hong mei,et al.Dept.of anesthesia,the 2nd People’s Hospital of Liaocheng city,Linqing,Liaocheng,252600,China

    【Abstract】 Objective To explore the influence of neonate abdominal surgery on patients,temperature and the function of blood coagulation.Methods Sixty neonates scheduled for elective abdominal surgery under general anesthesia,were enrolled in the study.The patients were randomly divided into 2 groups:unheated preservation group(n=30)and warming group(n=30).In the warming group,patients were additionally warmed with fluid warming device and forced air warming system.The perioperative body temperature and the function of blood coagulation in the two groups were observed.Results The temperature kept smooth in the experiment group all the times,Compared with the base data,the temperature in the controlled group is lower from 60 minutes after induction of general anesthesia to the end of surgery,which is statistically different with the experiment group.There are statistical difference in PLT、PT、APTT and FBG between pre operation and post operation in the controlled group.Conclusion Fluid warming system and forced air warming system can propitiously keep the perioperative body temperature and the coagulation function of neonate stable.

    【Key words】 Neonate; Abdominal surgery ; Forced air warming; Coagulation functio

    DOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn 1673 8799.2010.02.08

    人体体温的恒定是维持机体各项生理功能的基本保证。手术患者围术期保持适当体温对患者术后康复有很大影响。新生儿体温调节功能差,皮下脂肪薄,体表面积相对较大,容易散热,新生儿腹部手术在相同环境下更易发生体温改变。近年来成人围术期体温变化的研究国内外很多,但新生儿围术期体温变化的研究尚少见,本研究旨在探讨新生儿腹部手术围术期体温变化的特点,低温对凝血功能及出血量的影响,进一步探讨充气升温毯等综合保温措施对预防术中低体温的作用 ......
