当前位置: 首页 > 医学版 > 期刊论文 > 临床医学 > 中华急诊医学杂志 > 2010年 > 第11期 > 第3期 > 正文
http://www.100md.com 2010年3月1日 赵新保 张 弘 蒋宁一 陈少熊 刘幸光 卢献平


     【摘要】目的评价肾动态显像和Cockcroft-Gault公式法在肾功能不同分期时估测肾小球滤过率的价值。方法选择非透析的慢性肾脏疾病(CKD)患者41例,将患者分为两组:分别为GFR<60 ml/(min.1.73 m2)(24例),GFR>60 ml/(min.1.73 m2)(17例)。以双血浆法测得的肾小球滤过率为金标准,将肾动态显像法所测值分别于双血浆法测得的值进行相关分析。 结果肾动态显像法与双血浆法有很好的相关性,相关系数分别为0.953(P<0.01)。肾动态显像法所测肾小球滤过率(单位:ml/(min.1.73 m2)分别为,1组(20.62±10.54)、 2组(65.86±20.05),肾动态显像法所测肾小球滤过率分别与双血浆法相比均有显著性差异,较低的估计了真实值。结论肾动态显像法与双血浆法测得GFR有较好相关性,肾动态显像不同程度的低估了肾小球滤过率。



    The value of renal dynamic in estimating the glomerular filtration rate

    ZHAO Xin-bao,ZHANG Hong,JIANG Ning-yi,et al.Sun Yat-sen memory hospital Guangzhou,Guangzhou 510120,China


    【Abstract】ObjectiveTo investigate the value of dynamic imaging on estimating GFR in patients with chronic kidney disease of different stages.MethodsForty-one patients with chronic kidney disease were included.The patients were taken into stage 1 when the GFR was below than 60 ml/(min·1.73 m2),and stage 2 when the GFR was more than 60 ml/(min·1.73 m2)Taking the GFR measured by the duple plasma as the standard,the correlations of GFR measured by renal dynamic imaging and the Cockcroft-Gault formula were analyzed using Pearson correlations analysis.ResultsThe correlation coefficients for dynamic imaging was 0.953(P<0.01).The GFR(ml/(min·1.73 m2)obtained by dynamic imaging method and two-sample method was displayed as follows:stage 1(20.62±10.54)and(26.28±13.1);stage2(65.86±20.05)and(84.70±16.89).There was significant difference when dynamic imaging method compared with the two-sample method.ConclusionThe dynamic imaging method had a good correlation with the dual plasma sampling method in different stages.There were significant differences when dynamic imaging method compared with GFR-dual plasma sampling method in the full set and in all different stages.

    【Key words】

    Dynamic imaging; Glomerular filtration rate


    慢性肾脏疾病(chronic kidney diseases,CKD)常因起病隐匿已成为威胁人类健康的第一隐形杀手,对人类生存质量及社会发展构成极大危害。肾小球滤过率(glomerular filtration rate,GFR)可定量测定肾功能,较早期发现肾小球功能受损,可作为病情判断、疗效观察的客观指标,准确的评估GFR具有重要的临床意义。本文对肾动态显像法测得GFR的价值在不同程度肾损害患者中的应用价值进行了比较,评价其测定GFR的可靠性。

    1资料与方法 ......
