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【摘要】 目的 探讨实施多元化综合护理干预对重度新生儿红臀的影响及效果评价。方法 选择50例重度新生儿红臀患儿随机分为干预组和对照组,两组患儿入院后均积极处理原发病,静脉输入抗生素抗感染,对症及支持治疗,勤换纸尿裤。干预组通过对患儿家长的健康教育、更换尿布的使用方法、加用微波治疗、辐射保暖台的应用、局部氧疗、碘伏消毒后涂以保护性软膏直至痊愈出院。每日观察患儿的哭闹程度、红臀的范围、体温的变化。结果 干预组患儿哭闹明显减轻、红臀范围缩小溃烂程度较对照组恢复快(P<0.05)、体温降至正常,缩短了病程,两组差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 多元化综合护理干预能减轻重度新生儿红臀的程度,减少患儿痛苦,缩短了病程,提高了治愈率。
Diversify the valuation synthesizing a nursing to interfere with effect and effect making buttocks red to serious newborn baby
WANG Chang qin,SUN Yu xin,LI Song.Secondpeople of Shandong Province Liao Cheng City hospitals department of paediatrics zip code 252601,China
【Abstract】 Objective Investiga and discuss effect diversifying the valuation synthesizing a nursing to interfere with effect and effect making buttocks red to serious newborn baby.Methods The red method choice 50 regular serious newborn babies buttocks trouble son is allotted in order interfering with a group and contrasts a group randomly,the entering antibiotic handling the original morbidity,vein without exception actively resists infection,good for the disease and holds out after two set of trouble sons are hospitalized treat,frequent paper change urine trousers.The method educating,changing diaper sigmatism,adds the health interfering with a group passing couple of trouble son parents use microwave to treat,radiation keeps warm after the platform application,part oxygen cure,iodine vanquishes degassing scribbling to protect the nature ointment until recovery leaves hospital.Everyday the degree observing crying and screaming of trouble son,the change making buttocks’s range,temperature red.Results Finally interfere with cry and scream easing off obviously,red trouble son buttocks of group range contraction festering degree quick more recovery than collation groupP<0.05),temperature fall to have shortened course of disease regularly,liang of group difference has altitude is notable meaning(P<0.01).Conclusion The conclusion has diversified the course of disease synthesizing a nursing to have interfered with degree,decrease trouble son agony,curtailing being able to lighten serious red newborn baby buttocks,has improved a curative ratio ......