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【摘要】 目的 将循证护理方法应用于重型颅脑外伤后盐耗综合征患者的观察和护理。方法 将46例重型脑外伤后盐耗综合征的患者随机分为循证组和常规组,成立由护士长、监护护士、护士组成的循证小组,应用计算机网络检索相关文献,对证据的真实性、可靠性和实用性作出评价后,对循证组患者实行循证护理,两组基础治疗和护理措施相同。观察两组患者的致残率和死亡率,所得结果用χ2检验。结果 循证组通过循证护理的实践,循证组致残率、死亡率明显低于常规组(P<0.05)。结论 实施循证护理不仅提高此类患者的治愈率,而且提高了护士的专业水平。
【关键词】 循证护理;重型脑外伤;盐耗综合征;护理
Evidence-based care after traumatic brain injury in severe salt wasting syndrome application
JIN Yao-hua,XING Hai-yun.Liaocheng City,Shandong Taishan Medical College,Second Hospital of Neurosurgery 252601,China
【Abstract】 Objective To used the ethods in evidence-based care after severe brain injury observed in patients with salt wasting syndrome and care.Methods 46 patients with severe salt wasting syndrome after traumatic brain injury were randomly divided into evidence-based group and the conventional group,set up by the matron,care nurses,nurses evidence-based group,application of computer network retrieval literature,the real evidence,reliability and usefulness of evaluation,the patients on the evidence-based practice evidence-based care,treatment and care measures for the two groups the same basis.Were observed in patients with disability and mortality,the results with the χ2 test.Results Evidence-based group practice through evidence-based care,evidence-based group of disability,mortality was significantly lower than the conventional group(P<0.05).Conclusion The implementation of evidence-based care for such patients not only improve the cure rate,but also improve the professional standards of nurses.
【Key words】 Evidence-based care; Severe traumatic brain injury; Salt wasting syndrome; Care
1 资料
1.1 一般资料 本组46例,其中男31例,女15例,年龄16~68岁,平均38.6岁,入院时GCS评分5~8分。35例行开颅血肿清除术,11例保守治疗。发病时间为术后或伤后5~10 d(平均7.8 d)。主要损伤病理类型为广泛脑挫裂伤、弥漫性脑损伤、外伤性颅内血肿。血钠120~130 mmol/L 24例,110~119 mmol/L 15例,7例低于110 mmol/L ......