当前位置: 首页 > 医学版 > 期刊论文 > 临床医学 > 中华急诊医学杂志 > 2010年 > 第11期 > 第8期 > 正文
http://www.100md.com 2010年8月1日 宋明东 黄晓渝


     【摘要】 目的 了解急诊科非创伤性死亡的病因构成和救治状况,为制定预防措施提供依据。方法 对我院2009年全年急诊科非创伤性死亡病例进行回顾性分析,对以上患者的性别、年龄、病因、抢救时间、抢救措施等资料进行整理。结果 平均死亡年龄为68.1岁,以70~80岁年龄段最多;23.5%的死亡病例小于60岁;非创伤性死亡原因依次为心脏病、脑血管病、呼吸系统疾病、猝死、恶性肿瘤,心脑血管病占58.8%;猝死、急性脑血管病患者在急诊抢救室滞留时间长。结论 ①心脑血管疾病占急诊非创伤性死亡病例的大部分;②应重视改善急诊危重抢救措施。

    【关键词】 急诊;死亡病例;抢救措施

    The clinical analysis of 102 the died cases of non-traumatic intheemergencyroom

    SONG Ming-dong,HUANG Xiao-yu.EmergencyDepartment ,YangjiangHospital,Guangdong 529500,China

    【Abstract】 Objective To analysis the causes and the treatment procedures of the died cases of non-traumatic in the emergency room, to find more evidences for making preventive measure of death. Methods To conclude and analysis the data of 102 died cases of non-traumatic in our emergency room in 2009 retrospectively, such as sex, age, the procedures and measures of treatment. Results The average age of the died cases was 68.1 years old, most of them died from 70 to 80 years old;23.5% of the died cases below 60 years old.The causes of death were cardiac disease,cerebrovascular disease, disease of respiratory system, m alignant tumor by turns; 58.8% of them died from deterioration of the chronic diseases and cerebrovascular incidents; The emergency resources were used mostly by patients with sudden death,acute cerebral infarction in all death cases.Conclusion ①Most of the died cases of non-traumatic in the emergency room are died from deterioration of chronic disease and cardio-cerebrovascular incident.②How to improve emergency measures is still important issue in the emergency room.

    【Key words】 Emergency; Death cases;Emergency management



    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料 102例非创伤性死亡患者,年龄29~94岁,平均 (69.6±13.5)岁。其中男60例,平均(65.5±15.2)岁;女42例,平均(72.5±10.2 )岁,女性平均年龄明显大于男性。死亡病例以70~80年龄段最多,占39.2%(见表1)。

    1.2 死亡病因排名 102例非创伤性患者死亡原因排在前4位的分别为:心脏病( 32.4%),脑血管病(26.4%),呼吸系统疾病(14.7%),猝死 (7.8%),恶性肿瘤占第5位9 (5.9%) (见表2) 。

    1.3 按年龄分组的疾病比例 按年龄对比60岁以下、60~69岁、70~80岁、80岁以上四组,常见的导致死亡疾病的年龄分布,70~80岁组死亡人数最多,占39 ......
