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http://www.100md.com 2010年11月1日 张永红 蔡伟俊 林惠媚


     【摘要】 目的 探讨间苯三酚应用于异丙酚在人工流产镇痛中的疗效,在于寻找一种安全有效的无痛人流术。方法 将300例随机分成观察组150例,在麻醉诱导前15 min肌肉注射间苯三酚40 mg,再静推异丙酚2.5 mg/kg施行手术。对照组150例,在宫颈旁2点,7点处分别注入2%利多卡因2.5 ml, 2 min后手术。结果 观察组麻醉效果,术中疼痛,宫口松弛,人流综合征(RAAS)发生率与对照组比较有显著差异(P<0.05) 结论 间苯三酚配伍异丙酚是人工流产术中的适应麻醉方法之一,安全,简单,镇痛效果好,副作用小,值得临床推广。

    【关键词】 间苯三酚; 异丙酚;无痛人流术;利多卡因

    Clinical analysis of 300 cases of Phloroglucinol and propofol in painless induced abortion

    ZHANG Yong-hong,CAI Wei-jun,LIN Hui-mei.

    Women and children healthcare hospital in Boluo county, Huizhou city, Guangdong province, 516100 China

    【Abstract】 Objective To discuss the curative effect of Phloroglucinol for way in painless induced abortion.To find a safe and effective painless induced abortion. Methods 300 cases were divided into two groups randomly and equally. 15 minutes before anesthesia induction,40 mg Phloroglucinol were intramuscular injectedwith 2.5 mg/kg Propofol were intravenous injected in Phloroglucinol group. 2 minutes before the operation, 2% lidocaine were injected in the paracervical 2:00 and 7:00 in Control group. Results Compared with this two groups, the difference of effect of anesthesia, intraoperative pain, cervix relaxation, flow syndrome (RAAS) is significant(P<0.05).Conclusion Phloroglucinol combined with propofol is one of the adaptable anesthetic method for painless induced abortion, and it’s safe,simple,well analgesic effect, little side effects,worthy of promotion.

    【Key words】 Phloroglucinol;Propofol;Painless induced abortion;Lidocaine


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料 2008年3月至2009年3月在我院门诊就诊的早孕要求行人工流产术的孕妇300例,年龄18~44岁,停经6~10周,经妇科检查尿-HCG试验阳性及B超确诊宫内妊娠,无手术禁忌证的孕妇随机分为观察组150例,和对照组150例。每组常规行血常规,心电图,白带,心肺功能及肝肾功能检查均无异常,两组孕妇的年龄,孕次,孕周等均无显著性差异(P>0.05)具有可比性。

    1.2 方法

    观察组:术前禁食6 h,禁水4 h,受术者术前15 min肌肉注射间苯三酚40 mg,排空膀胱,取膀胱截石位并固定双下肢,面罩吸氧,建立静脉通道,心电监护,外阴、阴道、宫颈常规消毒后铺巾,由麻醉科医生施行麻醉静脉推注异丙酚2.5 mg/Kg,患者意识消失,睫毛反射消失后开始手术,术中微量泵持续输入异丙酚,输入速度以患者无肢体抽动为宜至手术结束。

    对照组:采用宫颈局部麻醉,受术者取膀胱截石位,常规消毒外阴、阴道及宫颈,钳夹宫颈前唇,在宫颈2点和7点处穿刺,回抽无出血,则各注射2%利多卡因2.5 ml,2 min后行人工流产术。

    1.3 疗效评定标准

    1.3.1 宫颈松弛度:顺利通过6号吸管为有效。

    1.3.2 麻醉效果评估[2]

    优级:术中无痛苦表情,无全身不良反应,安静入睡,始终保持合作。良级:患者术中有轻动,无呻吟,仍能保持合作,不影响手术 ......
