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[摘要] 目的 评价改良金属导尿管用于尿道狭窄的治疗效果。方法 采用改良金属导尿法,将金属导尿管进行改进,把金属导尿管圆头用电钻开孔,使之能通过F5输尿管导管,增加尿道扩张的方向感,达到顺利扩张之目的。结果 共30例患者,28例病人经此法扩张后治愈,2例患者经全程治疗后仍有排尿不畅现象,后给予内镜直视下尿道内冷刀切开术加改良尿道扩张术治疗。30例患者全部治愈。随访6个月~1年,均排尿通畅。结论 对尿道狭窄,改良金属导尿管导引尿道扩张治疗效果满意。
[关键词] 改良金属导尿管,尿道狭窄,尿道扩张术
[中图分类号] R695[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1673-9701(2009)32-40-02
Treatment of Urethral Stricture by Guiding and Dilating Urethra with Improved Metallic Catheter
ZHAO XueliangQIAN Jindong
The Huatuo Traditional Chinese Medical Hospital of Bozhou,Bozhou 236800,China
[Abstract] Objective To evaluate the treatment effect of metallic catheter on urethral stricture. Methods In our study,the metallic catheter was improved,and a pore was drilled on the trochocephalias of the catheters to pass a ureteral catheter so that the direction-sense could be enhanced. Results Thirty cases were included,28 of them were cured by this method,and 2 cases still had the symptom of urethral stricture but cured after internal urethrotomy and regular dilation again ......